Friday 19 February 2016


Eyyyyyyyy I've first heard of Chingay Parade in 2014 when I was year 2 in poly, but I never thought I'd actually go to one myself 2 years later! Thanks to my grandaunt, who got 3 tickets from her centre, and asked my dad if any of his family members want come and join her and watch the parade together.
At first when my father asked me, I was like "But I have to study!" and he was like "aiya but it's Friday night; once in a while relax can la! Plus this is once in a life time!" then I'm like "okay la okay la I'll go"
Soooo I got convinced by my dad and went!

Erm since this is really late and in the wee hours of Saturday morning already (1.40am now), I'll just post pictures here first and write more description tomorrow. Though honestly I took so many photos I believe they can already form a story of their own.

Waiting opposite Yew Tee MRT for bus 979 to Bukit Panjang MRT. Can't see the rain, but it's getting heavier :/ Urgh I left my house at 4.30pm, and I can't believe I took 20 minutes just to get here because I have to wait freaking 17 minutes for 307 to come!! *flip table* and I'm stuck at my place cuz it's raining, and I don't have an umbrella!

Freaking bus 979 came 10 minutes later too, so I reached Bukit Panjang MRT at 5.15pm ._. Good job, I'm definitely late already (have to meet dad and grandaunt at 6pm, but I still have to stop by Bugis to grab subway dinner first)

Random shot of me in the train before someone else came and sat down. Was feeling pretty today, with my favourite flower romper-dress and (borrowed) cardigan from sis c:
It's pretty cool! Like at the front, it goes all the way down, then slowly comes up to the back, so you can tie a ribbon at the front if you want. 

Reached Bugs station just 10 minutes before 6pm. Quickly rushed to the toilet to pee (my dad told me to pee there as promenade station has long toilet queue), then rushed to Subway to grab dinner.
Apparently the staff working there are kinda inexperienced? Like this guy after putting the meat and cheese, straight away passed to the veggie section without heating the bread first. I was like "Excuse me, you haven't heated up my bread yet??" and the guy there apologized :/
Well I'm definitely not eating bread with cold ingredients inside lol
Got my bread, quickly filled up my cup and rushed back to the station and headed to Promenade through the new downtown line, one stop away.

(Finally) reached Promenade station at 6.15pm. Soooo latee...apologized to them because I was stuck waiting a long time for the bus :x
A long way there...and the water droplets c:

And off we go! Pictures are on the way there.


Chingay poster.
The crowd directioners weren't clear with their instructions. The first person we saw told us we should go left. The next directioner said we should turn right ._. But still made it in the end lol

Got our ponchos

...and we were stuck here waiting for at least half an hour while they got all the passion club members to enter first.

The dragon

Green sector

Munch munch munch. Got cold cut trio again c:

Our section. We have to walk a reallyyyyyyyyyyy long way in



A panorama I took from my seat c:

The ferris wheel in different colours



Tried to take picture of the rain...

Video of the rain. Accidentally posted it to public first and instantly got 2 likes LOL

Hey light sticks :D With my dad


The other picture I tried to make a dying expression urgh

SJ50. Marking 50 years of ties between Singapore and Japan.


Le squirrel bank :D My bank


Personally proud of a few shots I took :D They look pretty








A summary in snapchat story, all the way till the fireworks:

Going home. We weren't that rushed to go home because anyway we're wet already, and it's not often we get to go inside the F1 pit building, so we stayed behind to take some photos :D



The row where we sat

RIP my charles & keith sandals. This is not the first time you've been soaked in muddy water. And you're still staying strong for me.

Am drenched and freezing cold in the train. *sneeze*

LOL my fingers are like crumpled after being in the rain for 3-4 hours.

Long way up home

Last picture, of the national stadium

THERE'S STILL VIDEOS!! Will upload tomorrow, along with more description too.
Urgh omg it's 2.14am. Time to sleeeeeeeep
*prays to the skies above for mercy after being in the rain for 4 hours straight (don't fall sick)*


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