I'm only blogging tonight because nothing happened in the morning, so I waited until the day is over before updating haha!
Of course I checked neko atsume in the morning, but it's all just regular cats so I shan't waste space posting screenshots of it here c:
Oh wait, I did do something productive in the morning.
I did my AFA quiz around 9+am! That's because our teacher only made the quiz available on Friday. When she could have made it available all week, so we don't have to wait until Friday to do -.- LOL. If not I could have done it with my friend together when she came to my house on Tuesday. :/ Our teacher doesn't really have good planning and experience with HBL...she posted her assignments quite late in the week (on Tues) too, and expects us to complete by Thursday, 2 days later. Seriously ._.
She's a really nice and pretty lady, but ahh, in terms of teaching material...lots of room for improvement x.x
I only scored 50% the first time I did the quiz. Oops! But I retried and got 100% the second time. c:
Anyway, moving on.
I set off from home at 11.25am, as I'm meeting my friend at JE at 12pm first, to travel with her all the way to Bugis as she's meeting a carousell seller. Tbh, with the new downtown line, I could actually just take bus 979 to BP and travel straight down to Bugis. But since I'm such a nice friend, I accompanied her and took the long way to Bugis c: Of course, I made sure to let her know my sacrifice at the end of the day ccccccc: *sparkles at the background*
I reached JE at 11.50am, and she came about 5 minutes later.
When we met, she passed me a set of chocolate spoons, and told me that was from her mother, to thank my mother for cooking dinner for her on Tuesday! I was pleasantly surprised, and totally didn't expect this! XD
So nice of her and her mom! :)
Then we boarded the train, and she discussed her plans for her 21st birthday with me the whole trip to Bugis. Her plans are seriously damn detailed. She thought of the places, the money, what decorations she's getting, what food she's getting, and really there's a lot of things going on in her head. I was seriously impressed. I don't even think I could plan that much for my own 21st birthday next year!
My brother's 21st birthday last year, he just let my mom settle all the decorations and everything for him LOL.
She discussed her worries with me about the venue. She was looking at some resorts, and noted that although the pictures showed that they're very nice, but apparently the cons outweigh the pros.
1. Resorts are too far away (east) and very inconvenient to travel to, as the walking distance is about 17-20min.
2. Price rates are high! Very expensive.
3. Hotels are out. She said she went to a friend's 21st birthday at a hotel before, and it was damn squeezy and they all had to stand. Not comfortable.
She then told me that her last resort/alternative is at my place, as my place is a condo, and we have a multi-purpose room downstairs, which hosted both my siblings' 21st birthdays before (and most likely mine too, next year c:). After discussing all her plans and worries, I can feel very strongly that she's really leaning onto the decision of holding it at my place XD Because I don't need to pay any booking fee, so holding it at my place will save her a lot of money, and she'll only have to worry about food and decorations. Plus it is definitely more convenient, as it's just straight down the road from the MRT station. This is more for her parents' sake, as she wants them to come to her party. She actually prioritizes her parents first.
So my intuition came true, as she asked if she could hold it at my place. Tbh, there is really no problem holding it at my place, although I know that I have to be prepared to be very busy that day as I'll sort of be the partial host, but since her party is just downstairs of my house, it saves me a lot of travelling time and money! c: I told her that, and I can help her to book, and joked about pretending she's a resident there, and she laughed haha! But she's really grateful and thanked me, and even said she'll prepare a thank you gift for me and my family, but I quickly said no need, as friends, I can do this much! >//<||
So we reached Bugis, and headed to the lane connecting Bugis junction and Bugis plus (to S.S: This is why I told you I passed by Yoshinoya at Bugis c:), as she agreed with her seller to meet there.
Upon reaching there, we're surprised to see that it's a guy! XD That's because the thing she's buying is a ferris wheel cupcake holder (Damn cute idea right?! It's part of her idea for her 21st bday!), and the profile picture is a lady according to her. But oops, it turned out to be a guy! Haha!
My friend commented that she like the bag he used to pass her the item, and we later saw the shop the bag is from, which sells shoes and bags, more for ladies. So I said that he could just be helping his wife pass the items to my friend! But we also thought that he could be the one who shopped the shoes or bag and bought it from the shop itself, who knows?
So, moral of the story, let's just not judge anything c:
Moving on! (◕‿◕✿)
After settling the business at Bugis, we travelled back a few stations to Tanjong Pagar to meet with our friends. Two of them already reached, while the birthday girl is late! >:C She got random stomachache lol.
While waiting for her, we chatted and spammed photos with her birthday bouquet! One of my friends ordered it on carousell online, and went all the way to Sengkang this morning to collect it before meeting us. 辛苦她了!We were discussing what to do with the leftover $10 from our $100 budget yesterday, and decided to get her flowers since she likes flowers.

I then asked where the bday girl is, and she suddenly replied saying the cake shakes we originally wanted to eat at Cake Spade are only available after 5pm?! I literally reply "Ha?!" in the group chat XDDD
I quickly told my other friends, and we started discussing other alternatives. In the end, we decided to go to Benjamin's cafe (recommended by my friend experienced in cafes), as they also sell cake shakes. So we have to travel to Orchard as it's at Forum shopping mall...haiz.
After that, the birthday girl finally reached. So we headed off to Orchard!
Otw to Orchard.
She met her friend who's currently interning here, while my other friends were trying to figure out which direction we should go next. Glanced at them occasionally and saw her petting her friend's shoulder out of the corner of my eye, and was curious why she did that but I never asked. Later I found out on the way home in the train with her that something happened to her friend and she want to cry. Oh :(
Continuing on!
The Benjamins cafe!
Deciding what to eat...we decided to share our mains for I forgot what reason XD To save space for dessert? And I also agreed to share cake shake later with my friend, while the rest of my friends ate their own ones. I felt that with my small stomach (c:), I wouldn't be able to finish everything, so I'm sharing! I also save money this way c:.
It took a loooooooooong time for our food to come. And I was starving while waiting for our food x.x
While waiting, I secretly snapchatted an unglam shot of my birthday friend yawning and sent it to her and my other friend who has snapchat, and put it in my story. But I couldn't stop grinning and of course she saw and was suspicious, so she snatched my phone and saw it =3= Ahahaha! I thought it was funny, and my other friend who saw it at first laughed too, and screenshotted the snap I sent her. But erm, she actually got pissed off and wordlessly deleted it off my story without laughing. My other friend who saw that she's actually angry, then deleted the screenshot in her phone too :/ After that, our table was awkwardly silent for a couple of minutes =w= Oops?
Then, another friend started talking, and we resumed conversation soon after. I wasn't sure whether she was still angry at me (haha, pissing her off on her birthday for being too playful :D), so I just went to check my neko atsume, AND I SAW TUBBS! *.*
In my excitement, I forgot all about worrying whether she was still pissed at me in an instant, and showed her I finally saw Tubbs with my own eyes!!
Seeing that, she said "Awwww you got him!" and took my phone to get a closer look. Then suddenly, SHE REFILLED MY BOWL AND SENT HIM AWAY!!! T_T GAHHHHHHHHHH
She said it was revenge for that unglam shot I put on snapchat LOL. Okay so she was still holding a grudge against me =3=
Well at least Tubbs gave me 19 silver fishes compared to the mere 5 fishes he gave her >:D
Okay so finally, our food came!
This was the part I started spamming Shinobu's chat because I wanted to use LINE camera for the food, since it has awesome filters XD
Yup, we only ordered 2 mains to share between 4 people (my muslim friend isn't eating). Some crabmeat linguine (this is good. I like the pasta and sauce even though it's a little spicy, and the crabmeat is real.), and the cafe's own beef burger. Though apparently they ran out of the burger bread so they replaced with another bread, so it looks more like a sandwich instead with fries XD Ah the fries are good. I don't really like the burger itself though. The bread and cheese is good though. So yeah I guess they need to work on their mains overall.
And the main food of the day...over the top cake milkshakes!
We sat there for like almost 2 hours? Came at 2pm and left the place at 4pm+, because we were busy talking, taking pictures of our food, eating, snapchatting hahahaha.
After that, we decided to shop at ION as some of us wants to go to Daiso and Sephora.
We went to Sephora first. It turns out that my friend wants to "smell the smell" (directly quoted from her LOL) of the perfumes, because she was choosing it for her 21st birthday present for us to buy! Awww c: Although they're mostly above $100, so we'll most probably just give her $100 cash while she pays the rest herself.

Isn't the packaging cute? I like the scent of the perfumes too!
Then, we went downstairs to Daiso as the birthday girl wants to buy screen protector for her iphone 6. I didn't need anything from Daiso so I just walked around with my friends while waiting.
After Daiso, we went to the toilet, because my friend asked me where I wanted to go, and I said I want to pee! c: So toilet we go c: (XDDDDDD)
Note: The toilets here looks so high class! *.* So polished and clean. I love the design hereeee *.*
Of course no pictures c: But wahhhh the colours are gold and sparklyyyyyy.
After toilet, we want to take group pictures, but have no idea where to take. Eventually, we decided to go all the way up to ION sky to take! c: And I start to feel excited because I've not been up there before *.*
This is the ceiling of the lobby to the express lift to take up to ION sky. Isn't it pretty?!

Anddddd we reached! AHHHH I LOVE THE PLACE HERE.

We can rest and chill here too~
It'd have looked so awesome at night...
Too bad it only opens from 3pm to 6pm! If not I'd have come back here at night to take in the beautiful scenery ;w;
Ahh but I'll have to bring Shinobu to see this place sometime again. It's beautiful!
Took all our group pictures and selfies here~
Look at the process as they realize they're in the camera XDDD
Was trying to imitate her but I look so awkward :(

With birthday girl ^-^
Truly a place solely for rich, antique art collectors.
I only liked the MRT picture, because it's the only one I can appreciate since it's part of our everyday lives as Singaporeans XD It's worth $33,000 if I remember correctly.
Lastly, we went downstairs to a shop called TWG Tea Salon as my friend wants to get macaroons. It's quite a pretty shop, built based on the theme of Olden English shops from the 1830s. Am tempted to get since the macaroons and box packaging looks colourful and pretty, but I thought that I am full, not craving for them, and I don't want eat any more so I refrained from getting them.
Although I heard (and later from my friend) that the macaroons are good ;-;
Then home!
Reached home at 7pm. Ahhhhhhh I'm super tired. My back and legs are aching from a whole afternoon of walking :(
Showered, rested, and had dinner of just carrot and potato soup.
I passed the chocolate spoons to my mother, who was really 不好意思, and said it's just a normal dinner for my friend, no need to specially thank her or anything XD but I was like I already thanked her mom on behalf of her, so just accept it haha!
Then, I asked her if it's okay if my friend can hold her 21st birthday party at our place downstairs in the multi purpose room. And she said it's okay, I can help book for her!
So I went back to my room and texted my friend, saying it's okay if she choose to hold it at my place. I know that I should be prepared to be very busy, as mentioned above, but ahhh. Think it's much better than travelling to some inconvenient resort at the east haha!
After that, I tried on the dress the birthday friend passed to me earlier on when we met. She was sorting out the clothes her younger sister didn't want yesterday, and she found this dress which looks decent out of all the "holey" clothes her sister has, and she LINEd me that it's new and asked if I wanted to try it, which I said yeah, you can bring it tomorrow!, so she passed it to me today.
In the train on the way to Orchard, we were testing it out, and she put the dress against my body, and it kinda looked long on me...so we both thought that I'm not going to keep the dress and pass it back to her next week.
Little did we know, it actually fits on me! c:
My sister saw it and said it makes me look fat and my stomach is protruding out. LOL I honestly think she's blind. EVERY time she sees me in new clothes, she always says either the clothes I have isn't nice, or I don't look good in them. I really don't know what's her problem. Even if I don't look good in it (of course I do, just saying c:), how the hell does my stomach protrude out?!
It's okay, I'm going to ignore her c: The rest of my friends and Shinobu says I look nice, and I think so too :D
And since it's new, if I don't find any other nice dresses this month for CNY, I'll wear it for the first day! Nice + save money cccccccccccc:
Yup that concludes the day. Ahhh I'm dead tired and it's warm...
Note: OMG I finally uploaded all the pictures and finished this post at 1.15am wow. And Shinobu san stayed up and waited for me! Awww *touched* ;w;
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