I told myself since I'm really genuinely tired, I'll just not think about anything and just close my eyes and go to sleep.
But my heart is too heavy with all the negative emotions.
The moment I laid down, I was feeling so bad, and my heart ached. Soon after, the tears came out.
So I cried silently for about 10-15 minutes, before I calmed down and finally slept.
From Ayano this morning. ありがとう
Woke up at 8.29am. Couldn't sleep and waited for my alarm, but it didn't rang so I looked at my phone. 8.29am =3= I'm so accurate.
Market opening in 15 minutes time but I still haven't brushed my teeth because the bathroom is occupied. And sounds like my mom is washing it (AGAIN)...sigh.
9 May omg. Omggggggggggg no no no I'm graduating?! Mannnnnnnn I don't even know what I'm gonna do after graduating :(
(Update 7.20pm): Ahh it's been another long day, but today is better.
At 9am, I logged into the trading game website and started at my watchlist. But I was too late!! The market opened with SIA's share price at $11.15 (I bought at $11.11 yesterday), but it already went down! If I sold at $11.15, I could have made $3 profit! Minus away selling cost! But better than the almost $200 loss I have now! T_T
Look at this. $3.1k loss now omg T_T
Since my friend was telling me and my partner to look at Banyan tree stock, I stared at it all morning before I left the house to meet another friend at school for lunch later. However, that stock didn't move at all when it opened...so we didn't buy it or anything. It was stuck at $0.400 selling price ._.
Meanwhile while we're waiting... XD
Hahaha I really like the upside down smiley emoji! XD Spammed it hahaha
After that, the Banyan share still didn't move, so I got dressed, closed the windows and headed out at 11.10am.
My other friend was telling me I left so early, but I told her I predict her class will end earlier before 12, so I'll head out earlier. See I'm such a good friend c:
In the end, she LINEd me at 11.39am asking me where am I because her lesson ended. See!! Lucky for her I'm just 2 stops away since I left earlier cccccc: *sparkle*
Then my friend whatsapped me while I'm on the train...
Then I LINEd Shinobu...
Later, I reached school 10 minutes before 12, and came to find my friend, who was staring at her losses and complaining to me her losses are dropping!! XDD
Went to buy lunch. My Tom yum noodle c:
Look, it's a new ice cream vending machine! c: But currently out of service
My tom yum noodle! I was trying to show it's a big piece of ikan billis fish haha!
During lunch, my friend told me all about what happened with her classes that morning, and it's so funny I kept laughing XDD Especially investment. Like how in the first hour, her teacher was going through the test papers but nobody was listening because everyone was looking at their stocks. Then at 9am (the market opening time), everybody just opened their laptops and went into the website, including the teacher LOLOLOL XDDD This is what happens in investment class when you have an investment project in trading stocks HAHA
The best part is, the teacher opened up his portfolio and showed to the class how much loss he's making. While everyone was losing between 1-2k average, he's like losing 4k HAHAHAHAHA
Omg when my friend told me that in LINE, I kept laughing HAHAHA
She say he need blood transfusion because he's actually also investing real money, and apparently he's losing so much money he vomit blood lol.
It's okay teacher, all of us students are also vomiting blood at how bad the market is in recession now.
Our grades are crashing like how the market is crashing :)))))))))))))))))))
Then I joked to her about how next time when we go interview and talk about our investment project, we can say that in our investment project, even though we made losses of like thousands of dollars, it's okay because our teacher made twice as much losses as ours, so we're much better C: That's why if you hire us, we won't really guarantee prevention of losses in recession (in fact we will make loss c:), but it's okay because we will reduce your losses to as minimum as possible cccc: Then we were both laughing so hard, and she told us nobody would want to hire me at this rate HAHAHAHAHA
Ahh but she also shared with me the recent Jakarta bombing news, which took place yesterday. This is a major reason why our bank stocks has been crashing! Because one of the bank stocks we're investing in, UOB, closed 4 of its branches there for a whole day, thus business fell and our stocks crashed too T_T Omg!!! Plus, we're also investing in SIA, and flights there are definitely cancelled for safety reason.
Wow this is seriously bad..that's why our stocks suddenly crashed yesterday. ISIS how dare you!! Stop your stupid bombing seriously. You're bombing our grades, but more importantly, you're just selfishly taking more innocent lives away and endangering civilian safety for your own beliefs!
After lunch, she accompanied me to the same floor above the food court to the toilet, and my partner met us on the escalator. Then we parted ways, and we went to class.
Sigh, got back my paper. 30 =3= Even lower than my AFA wth.
All because of the stupid MCQ. It killed me.
And this...
My partner's vs my paper. Notice how I was supposed to get 15 not 14?
I thought it's always the content that matters, not the length?! Means people who write until the page behind will get the full 20 marks?!
I can only hope that our project will save my marks now, but with our stocks crashing like that, I seriously don't know if it will help...
Friends comforting me. Thank you for believing in me <3333 Always so touched when people believe in me
While I was busy texting my friends, our teacher started opening the game page XD
I was expecting his losses to be 5k at most, but 7k?!
The whole class laughed and he himself laugh. He say he show us his portfolio so we won't ask hot tips from him for the game because he himself is losing so much XDDDDD
You can literally see the 3 lines on his head as he stares hopelessly at his losses XDD
How the hell did his losses shot up from $4k to $7k from my friend's morning class to my afternoon class in a few hours?! XDD
He mentioned something about needing blood transfusion again. Poor teacher. Because he's actually losing real money in his real investments lol
After awhile, he got depressed, closed his portfolio and went on going through the test papers LOL
Soon after, my friend whatsapped me asking me to look at Sheng Shiong (SS) shares, as she says we can earn $100++ profit with every 1 cent increase.
Then when it reached the target price to buy, she hurriedly called my phone (I was actually looking at the stock market on my Samsung tab all the time, don't worry), then I cut off her call because I'm in class XD Oops
Haha then she whatsapped me and I replied her yes yes I saw, and I'm buying it already (with agreement from my partner)
But when I bought it, we started losing money again :( Exactly what happened with SIA shares too. Why does this always happen to us?!
My other friend also bought the SS shares with us, but she also complained of not gaining anything :|
Oh wells. Just hope the market improves next week.
Tutorial ended quite early today, as our teacher only went through the test paper with us, and left the 2nd hour to ourselves to stare at our stocks. My partner and I decided to stay on and watch the stocks together, so we stayed in the classroom for awhile and discussed what we should do. At that time, most of the class left to go home, and I realized that I still had the charger I borrowed from my classmate, but he forgot and left! I quickly whatsapped him in caps lock LOL, but he didn't have his data on >.> Whatever, if he really needs it, he just stays at Woodlands 3 stops away so I can just pass it to him anytime c:
Then two of my other classmates who stayed with us wanted to snack at FC 6 (our school canteen), so we headed there and stayed there the rest of our time.

Bought from this waffle store. Also sells waffles and takoyaki, which my 2 classmates bought, while my partner bought corn cup.

We just stoned there, watching our stocks crashing, while my partner stared at the rates in her iphone app.
During that time, I got bored and opened Neko Atsume.
Before this afternoon, this is still my situation this morning:
Tubbs and Sunny gave me gold fishes, and I was just 1 gold fish left from yard expansion! ;w;
Then this afternoon...the meows who came finally gave me more gold fishes!

The whole picture~
Next plan:
1. Get cardboard house costing 40 gold to bait Ms Fortune, who gives LOTS of fishies. Very good investment.
2. Save up to 140 gold to get remodel house to rustic style, which also looks pretty. Zen looks nice but since Shinobu already has it, I shall get a different one.
4. Get rest of toys.
After neko atsume, there's really nothing else to do, so I rest my head on the table and napped for like 10 minutes before my partner woke me up at 4pm and told me she feels that the shares are going to remain like this, so there's no point staying behind any more. (We were staying behind in hope that our losses will be minimized as the market approaches closing time so we can sell some of our stocks, but apparently they remained bad and our losses weren't dropping at all). She doesn't want to stay until 5pm today XD So we bid our 2 classmates goodbye who wanted to remain behind until 5pm, and left for home.
She stopped at a book fair outside the canteen first.
Then we took the new bridge home...
Pouring pouring.
In the train. Pouring pouring pouring. It's a cold and rainy evening.
And on the bus. North side is really wet.
So back home, showered and rested.
Just so happy to have survived the first week of our last term of school.
Although yesterday was a very bad day, but it's okay. We have to move on.
Life goes on.
That's all I can remember, and my day is like that so far, thus I'll end the update here for now.
Time for Cytus!
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