I know I already tried to do this last April, but after a month or so, I gave up trying to update daily out of laziness haha!
Well no matter. I shall try again this year.
Plus, I made up with him, and he blogs too, so I guess I have more motivation to blog this year! Ahahaha~
The first day of 2016 went great.
Initially I had plans with my friend to go Bugis for her bag shopping, but that was cancelled as she messaged me late at night (around 12.30am) asking me if I'm okay with her friends coming along for the shopping, but I told her I'm not really comfortable hanging out with ppl I'm not familiar with. Thus, she said it's okay and that we'll meet next Tuesday to do the HBL assignments together instead. After that, I laid on bed, gazing off into the night sky of the first day of the new year 2016, when my phone vibrated and the screen lit up with the text message from him. Apparently he just got home from late night supper at Mcd at Fajar. Before that, I already messaged him saying I'm going to sleep, so when I replied him "Hello I'm still up :D", he was so surprised HAHAHA!! XD
So yeah he and I talked and when I told him my plans are cancelled and I have no lunch at home today =3=, we both thought of meeting each other for lunch at the same time haha~ Ended up meeting each other at BPP today for lunch at Kopitiam. 懐かしいな...being at BPP really brings back lots of memories, even though I see that it's completely renovated new, with all the modern new shops.
After lunch, we went shopping for our piku niku (picnic) at Daiso, which we're having tomorrow evening at Marina Barrage. Both the lunch and picnic are very impromptu lol (in fact all our meetups so far excluding gardens by the bay are all impromptu XD I like how easily we can just meet each other anytime we want haha! Pros of staying nearby)
Here's the list of items we bought today:

After shopping, I went home, and reached around 3pm. Showered and rested. At night, I continued rehearsing for my interview next Monday (sigh), and we also discussed what we're going to order tomorrow at Mos Burger (he's the one who came up with this idea. Tensai da! We decided to scrape the original idea of pizza to replace with this)

Ahaha...$14 round up per person...expensive piku niku.
But neither of us have any picnic experience before. So we're going to live our youth tomorrow!
明日楽しみです。 Let's hope all our plans will go smoothly ;w; because not everything went smoothly for our gardens by the bay outing...haha...hahaha...(remembers skywalk disaster)
The first day of 2016 is going to be over in 5 minutes...time flies so fast.
I hope for a good year ahead...I have a strong feeling this year will be an important for me. Entering the big 2, graduating polytechnic, entering another milestone in my life...
I will continue to fight on ahead. Even though I stress myself out easily and get really tired as a result. Ahaha but that's just how I am~
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