It's basically the same routine everyday. Wake up early, check stocks...I remember the market had a very bad start when it opened. Our stocks crashed further.
Sighing hopelessly, I could only close my laptop and head to school as usual to meet my friend first at 11.40am, before going to our 12pm MACC lecture.
What is tested in our MACC CA2.
Fast forward time in school to go home. (Really nothing special in school)
Was deciding what to eat for lunch. Subway? Pasta? Microwave food?
I kept thinking and thinking...and when I reached Yew Tee, I still couldn't decide, so I decided to go Yew Tee Point to buy the shorts that I've always wanted to get for the past few days ever since I laid eyes on them XDDD
Hi you two, I always wanted to get you and now I have you!
Polka dots and cat pattern. Tbh I want another cat pattern short but this is the only one they have left. I guess the cutest patterns always get sold out first XD Although the polka dots are cute too. They had other colours like yellow and purple...just got white cuz it's easier to match stuff.
Trying on polka dots:
And meow pattern!
Hehe, paired meow singlet with meow shorts after I showered XD
Yeah so after I bought the shorts, I decided to get subway since it's just there LOL
It's cheaper than pasta ($6.90 I think), and definitely still healthier than microwave food. So yeah
I did have my AFA notes on my table in front of me, so I managed to make some progress before the market finally closed at 5pm, and I went off to bath and have dinner after that.
Then I continued studying at night. Trying my best to anyway. Idk if the stuff are going inside my head. Too me, the content is really complicated to grasp.
I feel like I'm going to cry sometimes. I don't know if I can do this. If I can remember what to write. If I know what to write. If I can finish studying in time, I don't know I don't know.
Thanks guys for moral support :(((
Anyway that's all.
And that guy was telling me stuff like "travelling to the celestial world for a couple of min" and stuff like that.
Shinobu, you don't just do this to people without telling them first!
I don't know if he knows how anxious and worried I was over his disappearance. I kept telling Ayano about it, and she consoled me, which I'm really thankful for. Ayano, despite being busy with her projects, still made time for me and reads my blog updates.
Yeah I admit I'm a little angry since his responses doesn't seemed apologetic at first for making me worry. But he apologized after that so fine I'll let it go...anyway he's back so it's okay.
A thought occured to me though. If I disappeared like him, will any of my friends worry over me like how I worried over Shinobu?
Of course I won't do anything like that though. I can't afford to do that anyway XD Too busy with life now.
Neko Atsume updates:
(I forgot to post this yesterday I think. I caught him!!)

HI WELCOME TO MY NEW RUSTIC HOME. Isn't it pretty and gives a cosy feeling? <3~
With everything in place. Ahh it really gives a warm home feeling.
The current situation. Just wanted a picture with some cats in it to complete the picture.
Okay that's it. It's almost 11.30pm, and I'm supposed to be in bed and ready to sleep at 11.30pm as I have to wake up at 7.30am tmr omg. Cuz I'm going for AFA revision class at 9.30am, and I'm meeting my friends at 9.15am @_@
Sighhhh there's going to be a mock test tomorrow and I don't think I'm prepared, even though I did read finish the notes. Sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Ending off with my favourite quotes from this song I've been listening on repeat recently:
"On a cloudy night,
Just you and I
You're so close by,
Yet so far from my life."
"Forever's just a saying
There's nothing I can decide"
"Your smiles are always bright
I'm glad to have such fortune
Don't make this an illusion
There are still so many versions of the night sky we both liked
I want to stay by your side"
"Can't imagine life without, having you here by my side
No matter the cost
When you just can't hold on, and the weight is too strong
I'll be here to break the fall"
"What if it was easy as, turning back the hands of time
I wouldn't change a thing
And I just wanna let you know, I'll never let you go
You'll always be a part of me"
Tried playing them on the piano just now, and they sounded beautiful. I hope to make a piano cover of these two songs eventually.
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