Oh God, I just showered and resting now. It's quite an eventful day, compared to yesterday.
This morning, I woke up at 8am, although I'm meeting my friend and her friend later at 10am. This is so that I can relax, slowly eat breakfast and prepare to go out c:
Left house at 9.30am, and dad offered to drive me to CCK station as he's also going down to wash the car haha!
On the way there, my dad was telling me that I could actually take the train there, or take bus 190 from CCK bus interchange. However, I was unfamiliar with the place itself, and I was scared that I'll be lost there alone, so I preferred to go with my friend. Besides, it's just a one time thing, so I didn't mind c:
Reached JE station at 9.52am. Friend was telling me that there's a bus coming at 10am sharp, so I quickly hurried down to meet her @_@ End up she tell me that her friend will be late, so we have to wait for the next bus =3= I rushed for nothing haha
When I saw her, I found her standing far away from the fan, even though it's really warm. I asked if she wants to stand nearer to the fan, and she was like "...orh, okay" XDD haha so rare to see her standing away from the fan when it's warm. She said because she was in the queue just now while waiting for me, then she stepped away, and just stayed there till I came.
(The bus queue is infront of the NTWU canteen)
(That girl is Xin Er! We're taking Bus 97 to the place itself)
Anyway, we waited until her friend, Xin Er, came at 10.07am. Before she came, I was actually really nervous to meet her. I've been hearing about her from my friend ever since Year 1 (XD), and I've seen her face as I added her on Dayre, and we even whatsapped each other before (because she wanted to surprise my friend for her birthday last year and asked me what time we were meeting for Karaoke that day so she know when to go to her house), but I've yet to meet her face-to-face and talk to her before. Okay well, technically I did see her a couple weeks ago on Friday when we went out to celebrate Yi Ning's birthday. But we never talked!
But I saw the whatsapp conversation between my friend and her before she came (my friend was telling her that I'm here and she seemed shocked that I'm coming with them XDD), and I saw her referring to me as "Ruirui", my nickname. Almost immediately, I felt at ease XD And when I finally saw her, she was really friendly, so I relaxed completely, and smiled back at her.
It's so warm...

Then the next bus came at 10.17am, and off we went!
The bus ride totalled 52 minutes omg. My friend was also shocked that I didn't have bus concession (she said I could have told her!), so my bus fare will be about..$1.80 totalled up @_@ it's fine it's fine, I don't mind this time. Plus my card value has $33+ c:
Ahh, this bus passed by the German Centre, where I had my 3-month internship from 9 March to 29 May last year 2015. Brings back memories...
After some time, it reached the city area~ And of course, I love the scenery so I took photos~

The opening pamphlet.
Went up to the registration booth to register. The students there in charged of registration was so excited when we told them we're from accountancy, because they're accountancy students themselves too hahaha! We got a surprise haha. The students in charge of directing the crowds inside also gave the same reaction when they know which course we're from. Maybe accountancy students are rare c:
We went to the hospitality business booth first as Xin Er was interested in that course. There, a professor/lecturer explained to us the course. It seems that to us accountancy students, it's a disadvantage because we can't take away the first year :(
Also he told us that in 2020, SIT will have a school building on its own, meaning all the courses will be shifted there. Where is it? PUNGGOL. NORTH EAST.
But it's okay, in 2020 we'll already graduate from university cccccccccc: So yeah.
He gave a really long explanation about the course, and I kind of zoned out after awhile with my short attention span =3= Plus my interest toned down after realizing we'd be at a disadvantage.
When he finished, we went to the accountancy booth, but it seemed like no one there was ready to attend to us, so we toured around the booths, before Yi Ning reached and found us. Then, we went back to the accountancy booth where someone finally attended to us XD and gave us the brochure for it, and briefed us on the course.

Look, we can already register! ;-; Application period is now open until April ahhhhh
Other pics of the open house:
(These people are not queueing up for the open house by the way. They're queueing up for the motor car show below:)
The hospitality business both over there:
Our accountancy booth:
Culinary booth:
After that, we stood outside and waited for awhile, before it reached noon and it's time for the hospitality business talk, which Yi Ning and Xin Er is interested in.
The speaker (I called him talker first HAHA my fail vocabulary) gave a detailed explanation about the course and what they have to offer to the students. He was saying how they don't produce "fresh grads", they produce "leaders" and students very valuable to the firms, because they structure their courses such that students will gain at least one year of work experience, before coming out to join the work force. Got one student, the record is 5 years of work experience before graduating, so they're definitely not "fresh grad" and I'm like Wah O_O totally school-work life balance.
After that talk at 1pm, we decided to go for lunch much earlier than we planned, because both me and Shu Ying's stomach is growling XD We decided to head downstairs to the Suntec Mall as we have another talk to catch at 2pm.
There, we were deciding what to eat. Xin Er mentioned Soup Spoon, while Shu Ying saw A-1 Clay pot. Bei Er and Yi Ning mentioned other food places, but they were too far away from where we are standing, so it's down to Soup Spoon or Clay Pot. Ahh but, I'm a picky eater, and I don't eat Claypot > < They said there's other stuff than claypot, so I searched the menu online, but the other stuff are porridge...which I don't like. But I saw noodles, and I thought I could be okay with it, because I don't want to trouble them or anything. But Shu Ying and Xin Er said that they're okay with Soup Spoon, since they know I don't eat Clay Pot, and told my two other friends to eat soup spoon too, who agreed. Then Shu Ying told Xin Er they'll go eat Clay Pot next time. Ahh I felt both touched and pasieh XD because they all switched to soup spoon for me.
Went up one floor above and found Soup Spoon, right next to Llao Llao. Then we had a hard time deciding what soup and set meal we should eat XD Well for me, I'm just going to order ala carte, because I know I'll be full from the soup, bread and drink with my small stomach already c: But I couldn't decide between tomato or mushroom soup (I like tomato flavour, but Soup Soon's mushroom soup is good).
However, as we got closer to the counter, my friends and I saw the lady scooping up the various soups, and we all decided to try the Sg chicken and mushroom ragout c: (Xin Er got 2 small bowls, where she tried the Tokyo Chicken Stew too, while Shu Ying got the same set meal as her and got mushroom soup, in case she doesn't like the Sg ragout haha) And I added a drink. Total $11.20 ccccccccccc: There goes my budget lunch.
The soup contains macaroni, chicken, long mushroom, potato, carrot and some... green...pepper thingy? I don't know, it's crunchy, but I can't taste anything from it itself because it's absorbed in the soup already.
At first the soup tasted nice, but then I got sick of it after awhile haha! I still prefer tomato in the end =3=
After the soup, we sat there and chit chatted for awhile. We were talking about the 2015 secondary school ranking and each of our secondary school ranking. Website can be found (here).
Haiz, Fajar Secondary school is ranked 124, under the developing schools rank, which is pretty much the lowest of all the secondary schools in Singapore. Unlike my secondary school, my two older siblings' secondary school, Bukit Panjang Govt High, is ranked top 10. God...life is unfair.
There is also a 2015 primary school ranking (here), and my De La Salle school (which I always thought was very good), was ranked 131! It dropped from 87 to 131 omg. What happened to my primary school?!
Okay after chit chatting, we went and emptied our bladders, then headed back upstairs for the second talk, accountancy.
In accountancy course, they have two plans. Plan A, when you have the optional break in year 2, and do a 8-month straight internship (one of the longest internships you can find in Singapore) with one of their 14 partners, including the big 4 audit firms (Ernst & Young, KPMG, PWC, Deloitte) and other mid-tier auditing firms. Plan B is when you have the optional break in year 3, and do a 4 month internship in year 2, and another 4 month internship in year 3 with the same firm you're attached to in year 2. The rest of the modules and core subjects remains the same. The only difference is when you do your internship.
If I enter this course, I guess I'll just go with plan A, and do the internship in one shot, rather than breaking the internship apart, and only coming in during the peak period. In Plan A, the 8 month internship is from September to April, from the start of the auditing process all the way to the peak period when they finish. Companies here usually wants students to see the whole process. In Plan B, both 4-month internships is in January to April, during the peak period. Companies here usually just wants to hire students to help them out during peak period. And yes, the internship is audit. Which I hate. And want to avoid. But if I come into SIT accountancy course, I don't have a choice but to do this.
I related this to Yi Ning after the talk, who said that well as accountancy students, we should at least experience auditing once, which means sense :x And in accountancy career path, it is good if we managed to work in one of the big 4 audit firms before, as it boosts our career progression better. But I heard that one of her cousins who works as a management accountant (high rank position), quitted because her job was so stressful that she's suffering from depression oh my god T_T So scary, the working life.
After the accountancy talk, I went to the toilet once more as it's cold and I drank water c: the rest of my friend went into the booths again.
When we're done around 3pm+, we separated and bid goodbye to Shu Ying and Xin Er, who stayed behind to wait for another friend as they had their own Karaoke and dinner plans after that. As for me, Yi Ning and Bei Er, we headed on to Bugis to do our CNY clothes shopping! :3~
But before that, Bei Er saw the travel fair downstairs and went down to take the pamphlet (She had plans to go Australia with a friend). Already planning on travelling before she even graduated tsk tsk.
We were deciding how we should head to Bugis from here. Bei Er said we could take train to Promenade, transfer to downtown (blue) line and go to Bugis from there. Yi Ning said or we could walk all the way to City hall and take green line to Bugis. (which we all don't mind actually ccccc:) They both seemed to be waiting for me to decide, so I was like "..." *opens up MRT map* "...let's take to Promenade and transfer then c:"
After reaching, we headed up a couple floors to the Closet Lover shop first, as Yi Ning was looking at some dresses she was interested in for CNY. She wants to try on the dresses first. Bei Er and I took the opportunity to look for our own dresses which we may buy for CNY too.
The red dress was nice and I actually wanted to buy it, but my ugly curve is sticking out so much, because the dress fits my figure and is tight at my waist, so my butt sticks out T_T I always hate my curve. It's so...too curve there, because my back has problem.

The other dress with the mesh at the skirt, I have the same problem with it. So...sigh, I gave them up. Yi Ning said I could get a size bigger so it doesn't show my curve that much, but it's okay =3= They were pricey anyway. Both were almost $40. But that's because closet lover clothes are made of good quality material, so they last longer.
Bei Er and Yi Ning came out empty handed too. They both tried on clothes, but for Yi Ning, even though the dress looks nice on her, but the material is so thick she felt like she was going to sweat the moment she put it on. Bei Er...think it just doesn't appeal to her.
*Note that if you ever go to the Closet Lover shop in Bugis Junction, you cannot try any of their white clothes (they will pick other colours for you), as sometimes ladies wearing makeup may smudge when the clothes brush against their face.
We moved on to some other shops, but found nothing suitable. We decided to head to Bugis Street outside, as Bei Er said there's shops there that sells clothes that I'm more likely to find suitable clothes there.
On the way however, Bei Er spotted a food fair and saw that a shop is selling potato chips with maggie mee flavour (how is her eyesight so good?!), so we went down there and bought 3 for $10! c: (Individual price is $3.50 so we save $0.20 each LOL)
Photo of potato chips bag is shown later in group loot photo all the way down.
We started from level 3, and worked towards our way down. On level 3, I already shortlisted some dresses, but being the extremely picky shopper I always am (Even Bei Er kind of grew tired of my pickiness and commented XDD), I never bought the dresses I shortlisted, as they were either: Not nice, too short, too plain, too cute, too formal, not sure if I'll wear after CNY, not sure if it's suitable for CNY, expensive etc. In the end, I never bought anything from level 3, while Bei Er bought a top from there if I'm not wrong. It's actually for her Australia trip when she goes to the beach.
Went down to level 2 and continued shopping. Here, Bei Er was hungry, so we all went to order crepes from the crepe shop. Waiting time was 25 minutes omg! So we continued shopping after ordering, and this is where I finally bought a dress!
It was hanging on the wall in one of the shops, and it caught my eye with its pretty colours and flowers. The owner took down the dress for me to try, and she turned out to be a very good saleswoman omg. She described the dress in great detail, saying how the dress is padded and flexible so it'll fit my body and I don't have to worry about it being too loose around the chest area, how the straps are adjustable so I can adjust and fit the dress nicely, how it is expandable around the waist area so I don't have to worry about it not fitting me etc. She helped to place the dress against my body and ensured me that it'll fit. To be honest, I was already interested in buying the dress, but with her talk,it just convinced me even more more that I won't make a bad choice buying this dress haha! Original price is $28.90 (I know it's damn expensive), but they're offering it at $25. I tried to bargain to $20 straight first, but of course she doesn't accept haha! In the end, Bei Er helped me to discount $1, so the final price was $24.
After buying, we continued walking. As I've completed my objective, I instantly felt really tired (energy all gone haha!), as the SIT open house bag and my own bag really started to weigh me down, with all the walking too. Again, Bei Er and Yi Ning didn't find anything. We went back to the Crepe shop at 5.30pm, and got our crepes! c:
The Crepe shop. Heard that their crepes are always good.
Mine, with Yi Ning photobombing. I got the number 27 crepe with ham, cheese, bbq sauce, mayonaise toppings...can't remember anymore but it tasted really good and that's all it matters c: It was. $4.70?
Munched on our crepes as we did a final walk around, before we finished and decided to head back home. Took downtown train all the way back to Bukit Panjang and took bus 979 to Yew Tee station.
Random sky pic I snapped in the bus. Thought the clouds looked nice
Finally reached home at 7.10pm. And of course, I have to try the new clothes I bought immediately! c:
And yay, it fits perfectly and I look nice in it! ;w; CNY day 1 clothes: DONE.
Excited, I came out and asked my sister for her opinion on my floral dress~ but she just gave me a sian look and said "it's okay lor". I then stood there awkwardly, not expecting that reaction at all because I thought she'd give another of those remarks like my dress isn't nice or it doesn't look good on me. Inside, I even thought that maybe she was still pissed off from what happened last Thursday. I asked her if she really had no comments, and she said because all those times when she bought new clothes and showed me, I gave her the exact reaction, and I started laughing guiltily, while her face became annoyed hahahaha! In the end, she said the dress and colours are nice, but I look flat in it. >.>
Then I told her that's because my dress is padded, so I tried wearing without a bra. I wanted to be like her where she can wear dresses without bras >.> but tsk, my boobs are not big enough such that I have the privilege like her not to wear any bra, and still have a nice chest wearing dresses. Annoying.
My brother came out of his room, and my sister asked my brother what he thought of my dress. He said that it's cute and looks pretty on me, yay! Thanks bro ccccc:
Thinking about what happened on Thursday, I asked my sister if she's still in the mood for fruit cake, as I can head out to yew tee point and buy for her. (Didn't want her to be angry at me anymore) She said okay, and I can buy bread for her along the way for her breakfast tomorrow too.
I also showed her what I got from the SIT open house goodie bag, which has a set of utensils, and has chopsticks!!! ;w; She then quickly said that she bought chopsticks for me before, but I never used it and just left it there, and our mom kept it, and she sees it randomly from time to time. So she blames me for never using the chopsticks she bought for me, and smacked my hand with my new chopsticks LOL.
Before changing out, I then told her that I bet that our mom will confirm say that my dress is too short when I show her later >.>
Our parents came home when I changed out, and I showed the dress to my mom. She immediately said my dress is too short LOL!!! I glanced at my sister at the corner of my eye and raised my right eyebrow, and she was smiling HAHAHAA
I got my dad to sponsor my $24 new year dress yay ccccccc: *smile sparkle sparkle* he really loves and spoils his children haha!
Then I headed out to Four Leaves at Yew Tee point to get bread and cake for my sister. Couldn't find her raisin cream cheese bun, so I got her almond cheese bread (3 for $2.20), and strawberry shortcake slice ($3.80) in the end. It became her breakfast for tomorrow, all of them =3=
Then went to shower, and finally am here typing all this out.
All the loot brought back from today. There's the potato chips I bought, at the top right corner!
About 9.50pm, one of my classmates Jia Jie sent a screenshot to our class whatsapp group. D: Omg...
We were supposed to have ITFD tutorial tomorrow at 10am, but because of that it is cancelled now. T_T I guess I will do the tutorial tomorrow morning. Omg, I hope that her mom will be okay! ;-;
NEKO ATSUME: Nothing new. I decided not to buy anymore toys, and just keep saving until I reach 140 gold and get my remodelling to Rustic Style. Just that Tubbs keep coming and stealing all my freshly filled bowls >.> That cat is making me bankrupt because I have to keep buying the 30 fish bowl!
Also: WHERE THE HECK IS SHINOBU. IT'S ALREADY DAY 2. I asked Ayano for Ming Siong's LINE so I can LINE him and ask about Shinobu, but he hasn't replied me. Does Ming Siong not use LINE anymore? I don't know/talk to anymore of Shinobu's sec sch friends. WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU SHINOBU?! HOW COULD YOU JUST LEAVE ME LIKE THA----
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