Reason for staying up so late: Yesterday evening, I asked 2mimutesofyourtime for a song request, as one of their birthdays (Shion's) is next Monday, 18 Jan! @_@
I wanted to do something for them (in this case, playing something they like for their birthday) because they've worked so hard translating the chinese raws for Guren's light novel, and updating almost everyday so that we (especially GURESHIN shippers) can enjoy the light novel too. Their updates and posts always gives me life, and usually really make my day much better. And they're really nice and sweet people! Like they tag me in posts (totally didn't expect them to), and once even asked me if I'm okay when they knew I was down with fever a couple weeks ago. ;w; So yeah, I want to do something and thank them for all their work XD
Haha, I was honestly hoping they'd pick a much easier song (mainly the ones I've been playing and not Saika which I haven't played before) /shot I'm sorry HAHAHAHA
No seriously, I have not played Saika on the piano before. How am I supposed to come up with an arrangement on the spot and record in 2 days?! Plus I'm going to SIT open house tomorrow with my friends at Suntec, which technically just leaves me today to record my piano cover. If I even have the chance to do so.
That's why I stayed up and practiced all the way until past midnight (even switching from piano to electone as the piano is too loud already), so that at least I can play decently and record with as little mistakes as possible.
Then I snacked on biscuits (yes Shinobu =3=), which has SO MUCH SUGAR ON THEM *cringe*
I couldn't stand the thought of eating so much sugar (so unhealthy), so I only ate 2 out of the 4 biscuits in the packet, and threw the rest away. They aren't that nice anyway.
I never really liked biscuits that much. Only find them so-so.
But urgh. My house has nothing at home, and it's too late to go out for supper. All the shops have closed. So yeah
Moving on.
(Update: 10.40pm): Quick update before I head to bed, because I'm reallyyyyy sleepy.
Besides, I didn't do anything much today.
In the morning, I mainly did my MACC tutorial for next week, while hoping that my two siblings will hurry up and wake up so I can record my piano cover in time >.>
Then, since my parents went to Chinatown (I didn't know they planned this until today, so sorry SS! Actually WHERE ARE YOU TODAY?!), my mom didn't cook any lunch. I was feeling lazy to go out, and I saw our cupboard has stocked new cup noodles so I cooked a new one to try =3=
Look at the raccoon dog/panda fishcake! ;w; so cute! But other than that, this cup noodle isn't really that good LOL. I prefer the other red colour cup noodle, by the same company Nongshim. Meh.
Then I finally managed to record in the afternoon! ;w; Even though all my family members are at home, but my mom was busy in the kitchen, my bro in his room, my sis in the toilet and my dad in the master bedroom, so I managed to record while the house was peaceful ;w; I feel incredibly lucky, because I managed to record other Deemo songs too :DD although...each one of them has mistakes :X
I also found an old cover I did 5 months ago which I forgot to upload LOL XD So I spent an hour in the afternoon editing it and uploading it on youtube~
Okay what else...Err after that, I went to nap for 45 minutes until 6pm, because I was sooooo sleepy and tired from lack of sleep. I only slept 6 hours+! @_@
Then my mom woke me up, and I have to bath and eat dinner even though I didn't feel like getting up at all...sigh.
After dinner, it's just continuation of MACC tutorial and Cytus gaming. That's it.
Of course, throughout the day I've been constantly checking Neko Atsume too. I'm saving this for the last part because oh my god. I bought new toys in Neko Atsume today. Totally not following my plan to save up for remodelling first XD because my idea is that you get more toys, you get more cats = they give you fish faster and you get to your goal faster, rather than not buying anything, but the cats are lesser so you get to your goal slower. That's my logic, anyway.
So I'm just going to spam screenshots here now XD

Mr Meowgi being generous. And I bought cardboard house too!!~

Another memento~ <3

CAUGHT MS FORTUNE. Look at the fishes she give~
Meows using the house for the first time. And I missed Joe!!!
Tubbs breaking his record and giving me more than 60 fishes for the first time. And I bought unbrella too! Attract attract the cats >:D
Lots of meows. New toys.
Hopefully with my new toys (that attracts multiple cats at the same time)
Okay it's 11pm. I have to wake up early tomorrow as I'm meeting my friend at 10am to go SIT open house at Suntec.
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