We ended with 6.5k loss. Which we have already tried our best to reduce from our $8.8k loss last night.
My God me and Sheila was so busy the whole morning. At 9am, we started calling each other as we stared at the stocks, and kept on calculating how much loss we'd make if we sold at this price now, etc etc.
We had planned to liquidate our stocks as early as possible, to avoid further losses.
So we slowly sold off our stocks one by one.
There was two very frustrating stocks I can remember.
One was UOB. We bought UOB at $18.21. Sold UOB at $17.71.
Guess where it rose up till at one point in time.
Then Noble. Fuck Noble (sorry I'm going to be more vulgar over here, bear with me)
Okay Sheila had suggested a couple of times that we sell Noble off now at the price we bought ($0.280), and buy it back at a lower price to average and lower our total cost. So we sold it off at $0.280, and waited for the price to drop to the 27 cents range, as we observed that it was always hanging around that range all morning.
So we waited.
And waited.
That stock isn't very volatile, so it didn't move all morning, all the way until we came to school and sat together during investment class. slowly started to rise to 0.285.
And rose to 0.290.
AND rose to 0.295
AND ROSE to 0.300
AND ROSE TO 0.310!!!!!

We literally rage LOL *flip table* there's so many more in our conversation but lazy SS all haha (too much swearing too c:)
We didn't buy all these time, because we thought that it was too high, and it will drop. But fucking no!!
My god me and Sheila both wanted to cry and just die seeing the stock prices. Why?! It really hates us...
At this rate, even if we bought at 0.290, we'd have made profit because it was hanging around 3.00 to 3.05!!! T_T
Sigh. Our teacher was showing us his portfolio in class, and his loss was around $16k, but forget it la teacher, you don't have any grades at stake! T_T
Hahaha but he was joking with us just now. Like for example if you buy 100 shares DBS, you become a shareholder of that company and own a tiny bit of it now. So next time you walk into any of its branches, you can grasp the door handle, and say "Haha, this is mine. Everything else in this branch may not belong to me, but this door handle, it is mine." Like LOL XDD
Or otherwise maybe the floor of that branch becomes yours. So you walk in, and if you feel that it's dirty, you can complain to the service counter staff that they never clean properly. And if they show attitude to you, you can shoot back (his face expression damn funny when he say this) to them "Excuse me, I own like 100 shares (LOL) of the bank, so you better watch out, at each year AGM, I as a shareholder can raise the issue that customer service staff Tan Ah Leng of XXX branch very rude to me, sack them" HAHAHAHAHA
Ya he usually very good mood every Friday, because it's the end of the week haha! Compared to his black face and dark mood every Monday when he comes for my friend's class.
And he was also talking about how love dies away after long lasting marriages. He's like, on valentine's day each year, do you see your mom cooking something special for your dad, or your dad buying pretty flowers for your mom? No right?
The romance and love has died away.
Why do they still remain with each other?
(His face turned into a funny expression again) "MONEY" XDDDD
Of course he's just joking la.
Ahh but he told us why he missed out our lesson last Friday.
It's not because of "half-day" or whatever.
'Scuse me, you still have afternoon lesson to teach okay!! Don't forget about DAC 08 and run off to Malaysia to shop!! :'C
The attendance he'll give to us (of course), but omg...he totally missed out last week's tutorial! He emailed us the answers, but still... sigh.
Investment class ended, and Sheila and I have officially liquidated all our stocks, with Singtel being our last official stock to sell away.
No regrets. No regrets.
It's over. And it's only a game. No need to get too emotionally riled up in this.
No matter how much we loss, we did learn several lessons from this.
One is to never buy bank stocks during bad recession LOL (Just look at DBS. Crashed from 15.41 to 13.60++)
Two is to always have patience. But we didn't because our grades are at stake, and we have time limit of 3 weeks. (We hurriedly sold and bought)
Three is that in short term trading, always go for very cheap stocks, that raises at half a cent each time, and you can earn hundreds of profit with each raise. That was the trick. That was the key to earning profits in short term. BUT STUPID NOBLE URGHHH
Fourth is never be stupid and buy high sell low. Seriously LOL how you approach stock trading. Sometimes, you seriously need to consider having a "NO GUTS NO GLORY" attitude.
I think most people will be cautious, since they're trading with real money. I definitely will be cautious too (but I don't ever think I'll be trading irl LOL). But I realize that, if you don't have guts, you don't invest a lot, you also won't gain a lot. I was the cautious one. But Sheila shared the same motto with our investment teacher. Like he really whacked his whole $200k in (he said that he was actually trying to help us by buying the stocks to boost their share prices up). For our Noble stocks, Sheila wants it to gain for us, so she whacked at least $30k in bought 110,000 shares at one point. And to be honest, we WOULD have gained a lot, especially from a cheap stock like this, but the only problem was we sold it too early. We really didn't think it'd have rose above 0.290, least 0.300 wtf?!
No don't ask me about studying the financial charts before buying. I tell you, sometimes they don't give us any buy or sell signals at all. The MACD and EVA lines doesn't cross. The RSI isn't hitting overbought or oversold value. The only information you can get then, is the highest and lowest price traded within a specified range. And after that, it's really up to you to decide whether you want to buy or sell. News about the company doesn't help either. I mean to me, it really doesn't help HAHAHAHA (but we just put the news as part of our reason in our log journal for marks)
Aiya but whatever. It's over, and I'm damn happy
All that's left is our trading journal, which we must submit next Thursday.
Our ITFD project is also done. Submitting the hardcopies next Monday.
CPE CA1 roleplay will be next Monday too.
So everything will end next Monday. (and investment on Thursday)
Then we'll be left to concentrate on our final papers, before we graduate.
Ahh graduation...
Anyway after class, Sheila and I bid each other goodbye, and I went to find Shu Ying and Jerusha at hilltop haven.
They still haven't liquidated their stocks (in fact, think me and Sheila was the fastest XD).
Ahh they only had a final realized loss of $300+...they became the top 10 in the game ranking top 50 list ><
Wahh compared to my $6.5k loss. We confirm out of the list le XD
Chatted with them, while I rested. Then about 4pm, they liquidated their stocks too, and Jerusha went off first for her facial treatment at JP before going to shop at ZARA (apparently there was some sale, and there's a top selling for only $19.90?! From ZARA?! OAO)
Shu Ying and I continued doing our own work, before Bei Er came to join us, having liquidated her stocks too. She had $6.2k loss? Idk, but I suffered more loss than her T_T
We chatted and chatted, while waiting for our last 2 friends (including pre-birthday girl) to join us, as they're still settling some stuff with their ITFD group. We waited until 6pm!! My stomach was growling T_T
When they're finally done, they passed their printed papers to Shu Ying who'll help them submit on Monday (XD), and then off we went to Clementi Mall!!
Ate at Swensens~
The pasta this time was...honestly horrible.
The cream was so watery and diluted. So the taste was really not...nice at all.
Yi Ning ordered their pasta too, and also thought it wasn't good this time. Both of us keep spamming cheese powder on our pasta to add flavour @_@
But the last time I ordered their teriyaki chicken pasta, it was quite alright!
Maybe that's because that has less cream?
This pasta was drowned in watery cream lol.
There goes my $16.20 :c
Chatted and laughed a lot during dinner. Can feel that all 5 of us really feel more stress-free after our stock trading has ended.
After dinner, we went down to buy Fathima's birthday present. $100 bag from Charles and Keith (again), for work use. It's quite a nice bag, she should wear to school too!
The pictures she whatsapped us last night.
Ya both of them (Yi Ning and Fathima) got C&K bags for their birthday presents. Maybe I should keep up the trend and choose a C&K bag for my birthday present too XDDD But last year I already got C&K sandals! :c
I'm just kidding lol.
Actually in my mind, I already have an idea in mind what I want for my birthday this year (which I told them too)
And it's this Axent wear cat-ear headphones!!
But UPDATE: I just checked and realized that they only ship to US. No other country yet :'((((
Shit, I have to change my present already hahaha!! Maybe I'll just get a dress from threadtheory or closetlover hahahaha c: their dresses are so pretty, but always so expensive :c
After getting her present, we gave our birthday cards to Fathima (just dumped it in her bag XD), and went off to the basement to Watsons for Shu Ying to buy some plasters (she got swell on her arm from knocking it on the Koufu door), and for me and Yi Ning to buy some bread from Four Leaves. Heard the bread is quite good...maybe I'll post a picture later on or tomorrow?
Then we went home, as it's getting quite late at night.
After going home, Shu Ying texted me about my pens (I told her I had wanted to go Popular to look for pens, but we all ended up forgetting about it XD). I told her it's okay, I can go look for it another time, but she said I can also buy from her, for a cheaper price of $1.00 compared to $1.80 since she bought it from Malaysia.
And of course, I agreed! :DDD Save 80 cents :DD
Haha our conversation quite cute XD
(DDP = Delivery duty paid, where exporter pays all freight charges, and technical delivery is at the importer's place itself. Exactly the incoterms used when you do your normal online shopping, and order and pay something online.)
So yeah, just joking with each other XD
Okay that's all,
I managed to re-record "Moon without the Stars" piano cover.
But still have mistakes
Shall end this post off with a selfie I took this morning with my seal :D
(end Jan 2016 me)
Please ignore my two obvious pimples cccc:
Do I look like I just woke up LOL (because I did XD)I usually only get double eyelids for both eyes when I just wake up (one of my eyes will slowly turn monolid for the rest of the day), so I usually take my selfies right after I wake up!
But yeah, I still think I look pretty decent here though, so it's my LINE and whatsapp profile pictures now! ccc: Debating on using this as my Facebook profile pic too, or keeping my egg picture.
(Mid June 2015 me)
Haha any difference? I look the same? Did I grow younger? ccc: