Supposed to meet her at 10am at Dover station. Initially before this, we were also rearranging our plans. Our original plan was to meet her friend and her friend's friend (lol) at 4 fingers at Westgate at 11am. That changed when Yi Ning suddenly had an interview arranged (for admin assistant at NYP) right after the open house, so things get a little tight on schedule. Plus, her friend wants to look at different stuff (she's aiming more into accountancy, banking and finance etc while Yi Ning and I were avoiding those and looking more into psychology and business management instead), so in the end, we decided to split and just see whatever we want to see.
Arrived early at the station at 9.45am =3=
Went down the escalator and saw a lonely shuttle bus that's supposed to take us to the was really lonely. The red t-shirts volunteers were there but no one came XD
Sat down at the bus stop and waited for Yi Ning to come.

Yi Ning arrived shortly after 10am and we went to board the bus.
The first shuttle bus will start at 9.30am, with 20 minute intervals.
But since no one came...the bus waited until people finally started coming in. And left at 10.20am ._.
So we ended up reaching the university only at 10.30am, with supposedly half an hour left before we go for lunch =3=
Went up to the booth area, and we just went to both of the booths for psychology, offered by the two universities, Australian and American university.
The difference is, while the degree offered by the Australian university (Wollongong) is science, the degree offered by the American university (Buffalo) is arts.
Points I noted and remembered from gathering information at the booths were:
->We can enter the psychology course from both universities even if we're from a totally unrelated field (accountancy transitioning to psychology)
->No interviews needed.
->Course fees for Wollongong is cheaper than Buffalo.
->While we MAY be able to find general jobs in the market after completing our 3-year degree, but to be a psychologist, the path is actually about 6-7 years. We must go on to complete our 4th year to obtain our Honours in the foreign universities itself (Australia for Wollongong, and US for Buffalo), and then spend another 2 years to do our masters, probably overseas too.
->As poly students, we may still get some credit exemptions, maybe not as much as students from relevant backgrounds, but better than nothing. The expenses wavered could roughly cost up to ~$5k?
->We must NOT hate reading and writing, and our English should be decent.
->We should be prepared to do statistics and research, as statistics takes up a big part of the psychology course (especially the science course). As we study people, we form a hypothesis, analyse them, do research, compile the data and numbers, and come up with reports.
->Since the application deadline is 16 March but only 6th final semester results will only be released on 22 March, it is okay to apply first by submitting our 5 result transcripts. They will treat our applications as pending, and when we receive our results on 22 March, we must bring down our 6th results to the university.
When we're finally done, it's 11.20am. We're debating if we should go to the Buffalo talk at 12pm, but decided that since it's just a general talk about its programmes and not about the psychology course specifically, plus we already went to its booth, so we decided to go for lunch at Clementi and not rush. Decided to go for the Wollongong talk at 1pm instead, as Yi Ning didn't want to go for the UoL talk anymore.
As we're discussing, we met Yi Ning's friend Geraldine and her friend Clara. I finally saw Geraldine in person for the first time XD Just like how I met Xin Er (Shu Ying's friend) for the first time.
They just got there as they're lost finding their way here hahaha.
After some short talk, we took public bus back to Clementi mall, and ate Swensens for lunch.
Over lunch, we talked about what we thought about the open house so far (both of us are pretty convinced to apply for the psychology course at Wollongong, simply because the fees are cheaper and Australia is nearer)
Also talked about our families, and I feel that...I'm very fortunate to have my dad and mom as my parents. Yi Ning's dad always tells them that he has no money, he's poor etc, but then...he goes and buys a brand new TV, and a giant Samsung tab. While Yi Ning wants to go to university. Her sister is taking private O levels. Her brother in university. But, I feel that her dad kind of sets his priorities in the wrong way. He tells them that he doesn't have money, but he's more like saving his money to buy those brand new gadgets rather than paying for his children's education fees. Meanwhile, my parents set aside money for their children a long time ago, as they always put our education first, so they always told me not to worry about my university fees.
I never realized how lucky I was for that, until I knew about my friends' situation as time passes.
Her parents don't really speak to each other much too ("just staying with each other for the sake of it"), while my dad will still lovingly massage my mom's shoulders and legs each night as they sit and watch TV together. They will also sit and discuss together finances, bills, my dad's work, things like that during dinner, while my friend's dad refuses to tell anyone what's going on in his life, and her mum just basically gives up on him and doesn't bother asking him anymore.
I don't. Understand how my older sister can hurt my parents so many times with her actions and words. She and Yi Ning's younger sister are a bit similar in the sense that they're both rebellious and wild, refuses to listen to anyone, those kind of attitudes.
No matter what, they're still our parents and they loved and did so much for us. But my sister has and always been rude to them.
Anyway after lunch, we're running late as we're still at Clementi at 12.50pm, and the talk starts at 1pm.
Ended up arriving at the lecture theatre at 1.20pm x.x missed half of the talk already.
The professor was giving more details about the course itself, and here's some pictures of the slides I took which I found may have some useful information:

As Yi Ning's interview was scheduled at 4pm later on, we decided we could stay for another half an hour or so for the Birmingham's talk (The university which offers the Business Management course, which Yi Ning is interested in)
Then when we left earlier at 2.45pm, something funny happened. Yi Ning couldn't open the door, and pressed on a switch next to it, thinking it's the switch to unlock the door. That switch turned out to be the lights switch, and the whole lecture theatre just went in darkness, with the professor and people all inside XDDD the moment I felt everything go dark, I started to laugh hahahahahaha XDDD the professor was also like "oh?" and I laugh even more XDDD
It's like Yi Ning was like "I'm done with you, the talk's over let's just go " *switch off the lights and exits door* XDDDD kept laughing
Unfortunately we just missed the shuttle bus though. When it finally came, the shuttle bus aircon. Well it has, but the aircon is extremely weak. And the bus was hot and stuffy inside.
Doesn't make the situation any better, when it's already very warm outside. The temperature was freaking 35 degrees today!!
Yi Ning and I decided we will apply by tomorrow night or Sunday. Tonight, I shall think after dinner and prepare my documents. Tomorrow I'll be working from morning to afternoon at the child centre again, so I'm left with night.
For me, I'll be applying the Wollongong psychology degree at SIMge(private) and HR with psychology minor at uniSIM local), while Yi Ning will apply the same Wollongong psychology degree at SIMge(private) and business management at Birmingham, also at SIMge.
Regardless where we go, we'll be in the same building anyway, so both of us were at our future university XD
That is, if we can get in :/ *Shrug*
We may be done with our poly. but our poly may not be done with us. See our results on 22 March.
So yeah, that's the open house. After that, Yi Ning rushed off to NYP and YCK for her interview while I went home c:
Warm warm warm. Very warm. Shocked that today is 35 degrees.
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