When I came back, I just took my phone and turned on notifications...
...only to see my dad telling the family whatsapp group there's an eclipse happening in Singapore live right now!!!
I immediately glanced at the sky, and realized that's why it's darkening and looks weird!
Growing excited, I grabbed my phone and spectacles and rushed downstairs to get a better look, since I can't see the sun from here.
At first, there's like nothing...
But then look at the bottom right corner! The sun really got chipped a bit there!!
Oh my god I saw a bit *.* Shu Ying managed to see half the sun being covered! T_T I really want to see that too.
The website livestreaming it: http://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/solar-eclipse-set-to-take-over-wednesday-morning-sky-in-singapore-and-the-region
Indonesia managed to see it totally covered @_@: https://www.theguardian.com/science/live/2016/mar/09/total-solar-eclipse-2016-live-indonesia-totality-gerhana-matahari
Anyway, I went to the playground and waited a bit more over there.
...when I suddenly felt something cold drop on my arm.
Turns out it's a bird shit -_- Looks like a bird was shitting while flying, and its drops of shit splattered across and one of it landed on my arm.
Told it to my family and my sister laugh at me >:C
I was bugging Shinobu about it and now he's awake too XD he was supposed to sleep till 10am+ but now I woke him up bwahahahaha
Anyway, last night I tried asking my sister when she can confirm again because I'm getting really worried and stressed about the air ticket price.
Really can trust her anot, I don't know ._.
So last night, Shu Ying asked if I'm free today cuz she also ask Yi Ning if she's free to go check out some things she need for her 21st birthday party.
Headed down to the cafe called Custard & Cream first before going to Great World City (GWC) at Tiong Bahru.
Those are the tarts and cakes they sell. We actually went there once with two more friends to try their croissant and cakes. We're back because Shu Ying wants to ask the owners whether they can customise her 21st birthday cake. It actually turned out to be rather expensive, $152 for a 1.5kg cake. The reason is they're hand-making and customizing just a small part, which is some flowers. The rest of the sponge cake will be chocolate fudge inside, with vanilla butter cream outside and decorated with fruits on top. In the end after making the order, she decided to re-consider it as she's looking for other options now. Like there's another baker called Ms Goobs that makes very nice cakes too.
Anyway, Yi Ning bought some cake and tart so I followed her and bought their choco ones to try :D
Look at the first picture. The plastic box they used to put the cakes isn't really a proper cake box. They just took a normal container and stuck their sticker on it XD
Was expecting a more proper box (something like 12 cupcake's box) where it's customized to be their own, and can actually hold the cakes in place. This box, my cake was sliding around no matter how nicely I tried to hold it @_@
Never mind that. The funnier thing is, they kinda didn't have their own plastic bags for some reason, so they gave us NTUC plastic bags to put our cakes XDDD omg hahahaha. So interesting.
The second picture I took a clearer picture of the cakes I bought. One is chocolate, vanilla (I think) and nutella underneath. The other is another chocolate cake.
I didn't really want to buy so chocolatey cakes, but the rest of the cakes doesn't appeal to me, and I don't really like strawberry or other fruit cakes. So...chocolate cakes is the only option left for me usually :/ if there were caramel or vanilla cake I would have gone for that instead.
Headed to GWC after that. Also in Tiong Bahru area, just a few bus stops down.
Went to Yi Ning's house to put our cakes in the fridge first, but nobody was at home. Only her dogs are at home, but her dogs obviously couldn't open the gate for her XD So Yi Ning went to place our cakes at her aunt's store, which is just beside her house. Really really convenient.
Can you see the dog?
Ate lunch at Subway, then went around several shops to search for her trays. But the prices are expensive...
We also went to Daiso at ION Orchard (took shuttle bus from Tiong Bahru to Orchard) to find the stuff. But also can't really find suitable trays?
Shu Ying found an extra container that she didn't really plan for instead XD but it looks nice and can put candy inside.
After Daiso, we walked around a bit more at ION...but can't really find anything.
Went back to GWC to go Typo for Shu Ying to see her block letters.
She really planned a lot...wow. She showed me a note book where she wrote down a list of names of all the people she's inviting, and the things she's renting/buying for her 21st birthday party on the other page.
Actually when we're outside otw back to GWC, Kimberly from Heguru (the teaching job) called me to talk to me about something. But I was outside, and thought that it's going to take awhile, so I told her to call me back later, so she say she will call me back tomorrow.
But... I regret. Now I'll be left wondering what she wanted to talk to me about. Change my schedule? Fire me? @_@
But Shinobu said that most probably she just want to discuss with me something about next session? He make sense so hopefully it is true.
I got one experience before! Last time when I was working at an F&B event at NUS. The agent sms me on the night of the first day that their client think I'm not suitable for the job, so I indirectly got fired =3= tsk. Got trauma le. XD
After Typo, went back to Yi Ning's house to collect my cake, and also for Yi Ning to show Shu Ying some glass bottles/vases she has to put the flowers, and to pass her the fairy lights.
Saw Oreo again! ;w;

Oreo is big, black and fluffy. Very fluffy. Not as fluffy as the black cat at the cat cafe last week.
But fluffy.
Fluffy is good.
And although she is scared of the both of us, but she'll lick my hand from time to time when I scratch under her chin ;w;
After that, went home. Around 6pm?
Yeah that's it. Today is just hunting around for her stuff.
I'm so tired though. Tomorrow night I still need to work. The person contacted me details about where to go tomorrow and stuff. Told me I'll see a big green sign with the boutique fair (event) logo near the main entrance, and she will meet me there. Problem is, where is the main entrance?
I went to the F1 pit building before for the Chingay Parade, but it's guided and they brought us to the sides. So I've never seen the main entrance. :|
My dad and I researched just now and saw that I should walk straight from exit A and cut across the Coach's carpark to reach the middle of the building. That should be the main entrance somewhere.
He told me he'll wait for me tomorrow night outside the building, and told me that maybe he can try to drive me there but no guarantees. Take it that I have to go there and find the entrance myself @_@
Anyway, she told me to go to their website: http://www.hellochocolate.asia/ to read about their company and product info as I need to explain about their chocolates to the people tomorrow when serving them. This job is starting to sound more and more...not easy. At first I thought it's just serving people chocolate and can get $15/hr for 3 hrs. But now I have to know the chocolate and the company. Sighs, sometimes I wonder why I took up this job. =3=
Then I remember I took up for the $15/hr pay, and can get to try free chocolates myself c:
Hope it all goes well tomorrow. *prays*
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