Went for 2nd job interview today, at the company place at NUH itself.

Before that, I've been collating and updating all my documents and portfolio again. I edited those employment forms (NUHS has a LOT), updated my resume, photocopied and printed my testimonials (Ho Boon Yeow just emailed me his completed scanned testimonial today), updated my CCA records (now silver from bronze), stuff like that. Quite busy. Took me more than an hour to finish everything before lunch XD
After lunch, I set off a little before 1.30pm to NUH. It took me really about an hour just to find the place because the hospital is so huge and requires a lot of walking x.x

I don't remember seeing this medical centre at one of the MRT station's exits :O

In the lift. The boards outside didn't state that lvl 8 connects to the NUHS tower block >:O Only found it in the lift
Anyway here's what the lobby area looks like. It's so grand *.*

The waiting area outside the office. I had to ask the agent for the number to call the person to let me in >.>
I think the interview is okay overall. But there's a bit of a problem with the commitment period. I read on the job advertisement that the commitment period is 4 April to Mid July. But just now, the interviewer told me that the person on maternity leave will most likely come back only on Aug-Sep? Which I cannot commit that long as my university would have already started. So she will go and check with the HR department again to confirm how long is the maternity leave. If so, then they cannot accept me, but if it's until mid-July and I got the job, then should be no problem.
I got a big shock. The final results are out so fast?! I thought they'd only come out in the wee hours of the next day!
Sure enough, the SMS from SP came shortly after, as I was still waiting for the lift in the hospital.
And I was really, really scared to look at the SMS. I've never been this scared in my life before. I was a hundred times more scared and anxious, than when I was going for that job interview just now.
Because, I didn't know if I had mentally prepared myself enough if I failed any modules.
I tried to swipe the SMS open out of the corner of my eye, without looking at the screen, then when the message popped up, I immediately covered the whole screen with my hand, and slowly brought it down to see each individual grade.
C. C. C+. B+ A.
No Ds. No failures. No Ds. No Ds.Sem GPA 2.7.
My heart was thumping.
My hand started to shake.
And my eyes started filling with tears.
I am so happy that I wasn't discouraged from the teachers warning about retainment.
I am glad that I never gave up.
Because I will never forget the sadness, the depression, I felt when I got warned that I may not be able to graduate successfully. Twice. Once was painful enough but twice.
I will never forget all the tears I've shed, all the pain and worries in my heart as I fought hard in the last term.Because I fought, I am able to wear the graduation gown and hat on 9 May.
I will be able to stand on that stage and collect my diploma.
I will be able to have a proper graduation ceremony.
I have never been so proud of myself in my life before.
Forget about what GPA I got. This is more than enough to me. I am genuinely very, very happy.
I was like, forget it if I never get this admin job at the hospital. I can always find another job if they don't accept me. All that matters now is I graduated. Everything else doesn't matter.
I collected myself and as I walked towards the station, I called my mother. The moment she picked up the phone, I immediately said "妈,我毕业了" ;w;
At first she couldn't follow me since we're all expecting my results to come out tomorrow but when she realized what I was talking about, she was so happy ;w; and the more I talked to her, the more I started crying XDD and I was in public too, so I think maybe got some people look at me and wondering what I was crying for XD my brother also told me congratz as he heard the phone conversation.Hahaha my mum told me she and my dad can now go on holiday happily, knowing that I graduated successfully XD initially she had planned to wait for my results to come out before going with my dad, but now that my results are already out, then all's fine c:
Since I was meeting my father later to go shop for new luggage, I told my mum not to tell him first as I want to tell him personally XD
I was really early (3.30pm) and dad doesn't get off work till at least 5pm, so I went down to One North to find the piano and play there again till 5pm.
I recorded some videos this time but haven't uploaded yet c: will update this space again.
**Update: This is just one. I have recorded about 5 more XD will upload them all eventually.Anyway my father told me he'll go to the carpark adjacent of the building to pick me up, so I headed off to wait there. As he hasn't reached there yet, I decided to go to the business school over there to look for a toilet. And wow, the business school looks so grand inside @_@ and many foreigner students.
I turned left and the guard stopped me and ask if I have a pass XD I was like oops no, I'm just looking for a toilet, and she directed me right XD hahaha
Their pantry has a lot of vending machines *.*
My dad reached and we went to IMM c:
I told my dad I have something to tell him as we're waiting for the lift, and he was like "Got boyfriend?" because he thought of results but it couldn't be because he was expecting them tomorrow XDAnyway we decided that I'd tell him over dinner XD
Tada, we used the Burger King coupon and bought this. Total $13.50, and original cost $26++. With sundae, cheese fries and drinks. Each person $6++. Worth it.
I told him the news then. And my dad was so happy ;w; he got up to hug me, then we chatted about it as we started dinner.
Ahh, he's really proud of me. That feeling when your father is proud of you c:
After dinner, we started our hunt for the luggages, but my dad surveyed the luggages and felt they were expensive. He said he could get better quality ones in Batam for almost $30 cheaper. As I don't often shop for luggages, I just said okay then. I'll wait for him to get one for me this Wednesday before I start packing things into my luggage.
I also want to hunt for winter boots, seeing it can get really cold in Japan at night. We found some winter boots on sale at $49 (original $79, and sister got her boots in Japan around $60), but I tried both sizes available there and they're both tight :c but they're comfy inside though c: fluffy. But still, need space to wear thick socks inside so I guess can't buy them.
We ended up going home without getting anything c: well but at least dinner was awesome. And my dad got some of the best news this year XD
At night, Shu Ying whatsapped me another events job this Saturday, which I can make it as I'm flying off tomorrow night.
Seems kind of similar to my chocolate job where I have to give chocolate sample to people and no sales involved too XD
We both asked the person but they blue ticked(seen) us and never reply ;-; Shu Ying was damn sad hahaha XD she really want the job as she want to work and earn money.
Oh wells. Maybe the person will reply tomorrow?
Going dog cafe at Bugis with Shu Ying and Yi Ning tomorrow. Back to being busy ;w;
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