After realizing that my mom isn't cooking lunch today as she had to bring my grandmother down to A&E at NUH, I asked Shinobu if he wants to eat lunch with me at Bangkit Market (near Pending LRT even though it's called Bangkit Market),and he immediately agreed XD
So an hour later, I found myself running and chasing the bus 979 because the next bus is 17 minutes later omg. Luckily the driver saw me and I caught the bus as I'm flagging him down. I know I'm damn out of shape, but I'm thankful I still have enough stamina to chase the bus down x.x
He picked me up at BP bus stop and travelled with me to Pending even though he could've just waited for me at Pending LRT since it's his home area. So sweet of him as usual c:
It's been so long since I rode an LRT. The last time I rode was with Ayano x.x which is like last year.
Welcome to Pending! Shinobu was like "this one you also want to take?" Never come before mah =3= of course must take c:
This is where the hawker centre and market is. It's quite a nice building, and it's only a 2-3min walk away from Pending LRT. Too bad the humans are blocking the sign.
God it's so warm outside wth. Even though it's only 32 degrees. But it feels almost 40 degrees because of the humidity.

I was feeling all weak too. Really?! Just like how my left arm lost strength after carrying that box for only 3 hours. Seriously, why are my muscles this weak.

Our lunch. Originally I intended on trying the hokkien prawn mee, but they only sell it on Friday. Lost, I wandered around while Shinobu already bought his lunch. In the end, I went to buy that chicken hor fun from the same stall he bought.
Look at Shinobu's tray. He bought that extra plate of veggies in an attempt to make his lunch healthier! I'm so happy and proud of him ^^ he shared those veggies with me too.
He asked if I want to share carrot cake or dim sum too, but me being an extremely picky eater, I didn't want =3= oops XD I should learn to be less picky...
I actually quite like our lunch. Maybe it's not clear here, but my plate has A LOT of noodles. Legit enough for 2 people. Shinobu has quite a lot of rice too. And my lunch is just $3. And I could only finish half. Even after scooping a big portion for Shinobu XD
I was like "You wanna try?" Him: (nods) Me: *scoops a BIG portion for "trying"* XDD actually just intending for him to help me finish some, but he's actually quite full himself oops x.x
He still managed to finish everything though O.o even helping me finish my milo afterwards
Even the soup is a bit different from those usual soup. It taste a bit like chicken soup. Omg still remember the taste *.*
It's not in this picture, but both of us bought iced milo too because we couldn't take the warm weather. It's too warm and we need something cold XD
Over all, I wouldn't mind coming back to this place for lunch again. It's quite a nice place, food is not bad, and affordable. Worth it. The only thing is, why are the fans so high x.x And all pointing up. If only the fans are lower, and facing down. Then it wouldn't be so warm.
We went upstairs to explore the market afterwards. It's quite peaceful though, since it's already afternoon.
There's a nice view anyway.
The market looks something like this:
Which is sorta fancy XD Like the style of this market.
But stinks like a typical market =3=
We walked one round. There was a flower shop, clothes shop (doesn't look opened though), and there's also an NTUC outlet, although quite small, and...nobody really goes there.
Anyways, we headed back to BPP after this.
We're like dying from the heat, so the moment we entered the BPP, the aircon felt so goooooooooood
Why do we have heat wave at this period ;_;
Headed up to Daiso for me to get my heat pads for my upcoming Japan trip, which I still don't know when we're going =3=
While I was paying, Shinobu saw some skincare products at a nearby shelf. I remembered today is also to help him see skincare products, so we went to see.

He bought that first. That is Charcoal Facial Cleansing Foam. Charcoal is good for cleansing away your dead skin cells, which help contribute to pimples. We went online to google for reviews, and the person who used it says that it's a bit dry for them, and is good for oily skin which Shinobu has. So he bought it to try. A small tube for $2, should be okay. This is for him to wash twice daily, when he brush his teeth and when he showers.
After Daiso, we went down to the basement to see the pharmacy stores for more skincare products.
At first, we took the lift to level 1, and came out to some loading/unloading bay that looks nothing like the mall XD Then, we took the lift back up to level 2 and arrived on the first floor. A bit weird, this plaza.
There's only Guardian (Watson closed and Unity is too pricey), so we went in and I introduced him some brands I used before like Nivea and Cetaphil. Both are quite good. But since Shinobu already bought that facial wash from Daiso, I just introduced him a pimple medication cream called Oxy to help fight the pimples directly. As his acne isn't that serious (like not literally red patches on skin), I just recommended him to buy the milder version, which is Oxy5. I joined him and bought the same thing. It's on sale, currently at $3.25 instead of the usual price at $3.60 XD
That pimple cream can be applied directly on the pimples in small amounts once or twice daily too, once in the morning after you wash and once at night before going to sleep.
But even though it's quite effective, that pimple cream can be quite drying on the skin if you keep using it And since Shinobu doesn't have any skincare product at home, I was worried he has nothing to moisturise his skin, and his skin will dry and flake off in those white bits. I personally experienced it before and it wasn't nice at all =3=
Not able to find anything suitable in Guardian, we decided to head back up to Daiso and search for some moisturising lotion for him.
At first we were looking at this, as this looks interesting. Can't remember if this is facial wash or moisturising lotion, but it has sake with ricewater inside XD And the instructions were like "NOT FOR DRINKING EVEN THOUGH IT'S SAKE" hahahahaha
Shinobu said he'll go bald if he use this, and I'm like "Huh?!" then I see the bottom of the bottle "Saitama Japan" (reference to main character in One Punch Man) and I'm like =w= LOL Shinobu plsI say that as I pass him a random chocolate bar which melted in the heat too c: hahaha but he ate it and says it's nice ^^
The charcoal wash he also used already, and said his skin feels good, so it must be working >:D getting rid of his dead skin cells.
Skincare sort of and sort of don't work for me, so I think it's mostly my diet. Not drinking enough water, not eating enough fruits and veggies =3=
After skincare shopping, we walked some more. Went to the libary, which I haven't been to in ages too.
Looked for some psychology books out of interest, but couldn't really find them. Shinobu told me to go to the children section and find, and I'm like =w= Shinobu again.
Walked and walked.
1 for $16.90, and then 2 for $20.00?! Are they crazy?! One pair of slippers for $16.90?!
They're cute but. Erm. Cotton On sells them for just $5 a pair c: the market will probably sell them even cheaper.Shinobu told me there's a headphones that cost $50,000 (OAO) and the people who tested it said that the experience is totally unlike anything. Like, the sound is so freaking good that after that, they said that any other headphone is uncomparable to that $50k headphone.
Okay. Just from the looks of it, I see why it's $50,000 O.o
It started pouring when we're in the trains XD
I arrived at CCK bus interchange and seeing that there's still 7 minutes till the next bus, I thought of buying the dress after I got my first pay from the chocolate job.
Couldn't decide because all the dresses were very pretty x.x I was like comparing and comparing, and the shop owner saw I couldn't decide so she just picked the small flower one for me XD

I think the one I bought from Bugis is nicer. The quality is better and the dress fits better on my figure. But it's more expensive ah. $23 x.x This dress is $15.
I shall go exchange it after my dinner tonight, since the shop closes around 8 to 9pm. Tsk cannot refund.
Shinobu decided to tag along XD Ahhh

Here's my loot to end off this post (for now)
Again, I had a hard time deciding what dress to exchange for. I asked Shinobu for his opinion, and he picked a darker coloured dress, so I went with that as the padding is not so obvious. The material is quite thin for all the dresses, so it's lower quality and hence the price is lower @_@ but I guess the price can still be lower?
Aftet exchanging, we went to the toilet in Lot 1 so I could try on the dress immediately (even though the auntie is like "No more exchanging after the first time ah!" like okay HAHA). It turned out much better than I thought c:

Taken by Shinobu. Wow I look so short from his POV =3=
After that, I went back to change (Shinobu have to keep waiting for me ^^" poor him. Well this definitely trains his patience level c:), and we went off to walk around the pasar malam we saw outside before heading home XD

Of course, we wandered through the food alley and Shinobu regrets not bringing more money as there's so much food with fragrant aroma. But this is a good way to control him from spending more money c: It's important to save money.
(I say that as I bought a $15 dress this afternoon ccccccc:)
Here is the fried ice cream roll stall, that me and Shu Ying tried previously at the pasar malam at Yew Tee c:
And the menu is here c:
Since I'm the one paying, I picked the Oreo flavour, and chose Nutella topping. Then I realized there's so much chocolate oops. Should have picked maybe the marshmallow topping instead XD
Making in the process *w*
Waiting =w=
We also bought the shark fin soup again, 3 for $5, and went outside the Lot 1 sitting area to eat our ice cream XD
Was really full so I only ate like 2 rolls and a bit more? Shinobu saved some last part for me but I'm really full so I squished it back to him and I think his heart broke oops /w \ gomen Shinobu, I still need to save space for the shark fin soup >A<
When finding a dustbin, we noticed a chinese auction going on in the pasar malam! Omg, I've never been to an actual auction in my life before.
Was really full so I only ate like 2 rolls and a bit more? Shinobu saved some last part for me but I'm really full so I squished it back to him and I think his heart broke oops /w \ gomen Shinobu, I still need to save space for the shark fin soup >A<
When finding a dustbin, we noticed a chinese auction going on in the pasar malam! Omg, I've never been to an actual auction in my life before.
The man was speaking really fast, calling out for numbers as he advertised the product to be auctioned off.
It's so warm though. I don't know how these people survive sitting inside.
Parted ways after that.
And I tried on my dress again at home c:
It's so warm though. I don't know how these people survive sitting inside.
Parted ways after that.
And I tried on my dress again at home c:
HAHA that white cardigan maybe I'll bring along incase I get cold at night XD
Really glad I exchanged after all. The white dress looks nice at first but the padding is too obvious due to its light colour and thin material, and the dress doesn't really fit my figure, but this dress fits more on my figure, the pattern and colour overall is nice and the padding isn't obvious.
Imagine I wear this to a picnic c: can I wear slippers with this HAHAHAHA
Ah never mind la, sandals also can cuz they're also easy to slip on and remove.
Okay that's my Monday. Ayano is coming to my house tomorrow. I'm finally seeing her after so long *.* can't wait to see her ;w;
Imagine I wear this to a picnic c: can I wear slippers with this HAHAHAHA
Ah never mind la, sandals also can cuz they're also easy to slip on and remove.
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