It's really really long. I feel like it's been at least half a year? Because both of us are very busy in our final year. While she's more free, I have internship and while I'm more free, she have internship and her FYP too (I don't have FYP), so we were unable to see each other during our term breaks.
So she came 10 minutes before 10am, and I was so happy to see her >W<
She saw my ms.Fortune plushie, and wrote this on my whiteboard (except the Meowth):
It's so cute omg. Meow~
Then she showed me a japanese app game that is similar to Neko Atsume, but much better. I don't know what the app name is, but it's better in the sense that, you can actually interact with the cat(girls). You can rub them until they lie on the floor and meow, you can change their clothes, they move. I think one of the most expensive clothes I remember is just a towel, so I think you can possibly see them naked? Definitely a hit with the guys =3=
It's similar in the sense that there's also gold and silver money, you can buy toys and clothes, you can take pictures, expand, and got freebies too, by watching a video for 5 gold. Ayano didn't know that there's a password you can enter everyday in Neko Atsume to get freebies too. Shinobu's the one who told me about the password thing XD If not I wouldn't have known too.
Ehh after that, I showed her somemore of my neko atsume toys, my colouring book (which I haven't coloured in ages), and some other stuff.
Then we moved on to our main objective of the day.
The main objective of our meeting today (sounds so formal ahaha) is to
Ayano arranged my bed and made it comfy so we could both lie on the bed together. We started off with her portfolio.
The moment I opened her portfolio, I was surprised to see her PSLE cert stapled at the front XD Ayano was scared that I'd tear it off and told me treat her portfolio gently too.
Anyway I was so amazed at her portfolio. Really. I was like thinking "so this is how an honour student's portfolio looks like..." *flip flip at the endless number of certs that shows she's the best performing student at this particular module.* And I think she got best in most of the modules she took for year 1 and 2.
I'm really really proud of her. I never expected that the friend I knew that was struggling in sec 1 and 2, could turn out to be such an amazing person that is basically the top of her cohort and in the director's list. She's a personal inspirational person to me. Even though she told me that her class, there's some attitude problem and people were sleeping in class, so maybe the certs were easy to get. But I don't really think so. I also think that it was really her dedication and effort, that she deserved all the awards she got with her GPA.
She also told me that since she already knew she didn't want to go university, she decided to make this poly journey her last stretch, and to give it her all so she'll end well after this and move on in life.
Though I'll always think that she should go university as she has the potential, but as her friend I'll always support her in her decisions, and I wish her all the best for her upcoming career ^^
I understand why she doesn't want to go to university. I can personally feel it myself. The stress, the workload, having to deal with more people...
Sometimes I keep wondering if I am a fool. A person like me, already struggling to graduate from poly, wanting to apply to university like nothing is wrong. Like just assuming everything is going to be smooth and okay. Ayano told me I'm not a fool though, but rather someone with an optimistic view on life.
Talking about uni, Shu Ying got accepted into SIT :D Omg, even before she officially graduated she already got accepted *.* I'm so happy for her. Glad her application and interview was a success ^^
Moving on, I tried to give her some pointers to improve her portfolio, which she took down in her phone too:
-> Preferably put job resume in the first page, as employers are high likely more interested in your resume (although you would have also already emailed your resume)
->Put certs in order from latest first to earliest at the back. Employers are more likely interested in your degree/diploma, followed by your O lvls then PSLE (I didn't include my PSLE cert inside). Also add CCA records and testimonials if you have any.
->Good to photocopy your certs (I know she feels it's wasting paper) and safekeep the originals at home.
->Scan and photocopy your NRIC and birth cert, and put at back of portfolio. This is for employers to check if you're Singaporean and born here, if they ask for it.
That's all I can remember, but I'm still very impressed by her portfolio. She has lots of interesting stuff, such as what she did for her internship and FYP. She has photos and wrote down, while all I had was my internship log journal full of words XDD I had no FYP too.
We moved on to mine, and she said my portfolio is messy HAHAHAHA
Oops, I haven't had the time to reorganise and update it XD
Moved on to phototaking -w- Ayano just changed into a more formal shirt XD
Sweet Ayano is sweet *A* this is so later she can crop her photos and use for resume etc.
I also took her shirt and try too ehehe *w* (sparkle)

I like her shirt cuz it's so easy to wear. The buttons is just clip on can le XD and it looks nice too
Spam spam spam photos XD
Noooo my pimples are so obvious here though /A \
Lol we're in camera mode and I suggested we should take photos with all the toys on my bed, so here's more >:D
Ayano even specially took down the neko atsume toys to take with XD
Not enough cats. The hello kitty joined in.
Omg poor Ayano. I was holding the camera with one hand, so she had to support most of the toys XDD look at her burried under all the cats and seals XD
She said Shinobu will feel jealous if he sees this. Ufufufu~ she's so funny XD Shinobu has his job interview today -w-. Hopefully he gets the job *w* there were many other candidates but I'm sure he'll get it.
I want a proper pic to put in my profile picture, so we took more again hahaha
Ayano forgot to tell her grandmother that she's not eating lunch today, and her grandmother already bought roti prata for her. So she shared her lunch with me *.*

While watching some fairy tail video. Long time no watch Fairy tail.
Love roti prata curry as usual. Bought from Fajar food centre (wherever that is XD)
After lunch, we went on to our second objective of the day, looking at resume.
She showed her resume to me, which is about 7 pages long? @_@ first time I see a resume so long. In school, we were told to keep our resume short to about 2 pages. If it's longer than that, it must be worth it for the employer to take the time to look through everything.
Ayano has many awards and stuff to say, being an honours student, so her resume may be worth it, but I still feel she can cut down on some words as we can verbally explain our resume to the employer.
So I advised her to cut down for her interests/hobbies and CCA part, and reduce the words on her other areas. O lvls, PSLE section can just leave the subjects which she got A. Intern, work areas etc, can summarise more in bullet points maybe? Overall, she should aim to reduce at least 2 pages.
She was shocked to see my resume is only 2 pages long XD because for our school module, we were required to keep our resume to not more than 2 pages long, so I summarized everything and kept it short and simple.
Also include her career objective and personal profile if can, so employer will know what you are looking for and if job is suitable for her, as well as know what kind of person she is. Her skills section, she should also include relevant skills she gained from her course, such as analyzing, lab skills, reports etc.
That's all I remember. The rest is okay I guess?
After resume, we sang a little karaoke but both of our voices are already sore XD I showed her I actually uploaded a video of myself singing once, which she didn't know XDD
She said this doesn't really sound like me, at least how I sound like in real life HAHAHA
I agree. I guess our voices really sound different recorded and in real life :/
But she asked if I like my singing voice, to which I say yes hahaha /w\ even though I can't really sing well. She also like my singing voice -w-
After karaoke, we rested on the bed for a little while more. Was texting Shinobu at that time, and I sent him a random photo at that time:
Ayano said she looks like she's taking care of this sick person in bed, and Shinobu agreed LOL. He said I look like some baby here, and I'm like 'scuse me I'm the older one here =3= hahahaha. She was singing some songs again while I was falling asleep and listening to her -w-
After that, we decided to head down to sit at the swing, where we talked more about our life paths. Ayano is currently planning to apply for a job far away in Sentosa x.x Well, as long as the job pays well to accommodate her travelling time and expenses...
Meanwhile as planned, I shall wait for final results to be released before applying for university. And I'll still be looking for event jobs while waiting for my sister to confirm.
Omg I don't want to keep looking for jobs anymore. I want to faster get a real proper job where I can commit like couple of months so I can stop looking for jobs T_T
While talking, Ayano is normally the one pushing the swing when we sit there. So I tell her I always feel like an oujo sama there XD I'm like "Uwoho, Ayano shomin shall serve me since I'm the older one ufufufu" and she'll be like "uwo, kumiko oujosama!!" then me: "Uwoho, motto motto!" then her: "kumiko oujosama!!" XDDDI'm just kidding, I can take turn to push the swing anytime but she doesn't mind pushing the swing, so okay c:
Ayano says one day if I bring Shinobu inside the condo, he can be the one to push the swing. And she says she got to do a lot more with me than him for now, such as sitting on that swing, entering my room, lying on bed together XD I'm like "is this turning into yuri *w*" XDD
But ahh, Shinobu is really a nice and sweet guy. I'm pretty sure no other guy is comparable to him in the amount of love he displays for the girl he loves (me).
I forgot to take pictures when we're on the swing chair though. Oh wells.
Anyway, a short while later we left the condo to go grab snacks. She earlier on agreed to treat me to yogurt since I helped her print some stuff to update her portfolio. But the yogurt I want to get is expensive, so I decided to offset her expenses by treating her watermelon juice so she don't have to pay so much.
Went to ATM to withdraw my money first though. No cash left. I didn't know withdrawing $50 is so little XD Ayano asked me why I withdraw only that, and I said I withdraw as little as possible at a time, so the rest of the money left inside can collect interest. Time is money *kaching* *w*
She got her watermelon juice from the same fruit stall Shinobu got his green apple juice. Uwoho
After that, went upstairs to get my yogurt, and we sat and chatted for awhile c:
Yogurt Ayano treated *w*
Found out that Ayano doesn't know her USERID and PIN to access her internet banking account OAO
I got worried because it's important to check your bank balance every now and then to make sure it isn't hacked or something. Kaching you know *w* money
Decided to go to the POSB branch at yew tee MRT right after my yogurt so Ayano can find out her bank details.
At first, the person told us she can just simply go to ATM and have her USERID details printed out. But after pressing it, nothing came out. Puzzled, we went back in and realized that she doesn't have an ibanking account yet, even though she has a bank card XDD I laughed.
Then we went to the counter, but realized she already has one?? @_@
Never mind, we re-arranged and so she got her new USERID and PIN, and can now access her bank account.
Wanted to see how much she has now but this time she rejected me =3=
Feel that both of our USERID is very childlike XD feel that mine is worse though LOL
Parted ways after that.
Iiyaaa I really enjoyed myself today. Had fun. Arigatou, Ayano ^ ^
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