Simply because the weekends was too uneventful >.<
Think I haven't showed this yet right? It's the bread I bought with Yi Ning from Four Leaves the other day.
$1.40 each. Had one for breakfast that morning. It's supposed to be crispy on the outside and soft and fluffy on the inside and tastes great...but erm. I think my teeth almost came off on the first bite. It's soooo hard!!! I think they left it out for too long. Didn't bother toasting it or whatever, so I struggled through eating this bread. After that, I never ate the other two bread omg. Left it for whoever wants to eat it. Gahhhh I feel so betrayed.
Then at lunch, I tried this Gotsu mori corn miso flavour instant noodles. Yes my mom went to Batam to find my dad, so nobody cooked lunch for me.
It smells great and tastes good as well, but slowly I got sick of the taste oops.
Sky pics:
Very uneventful. Think I just spent it doing tutorials? Because I kinda stoned on Saturday I think. Not much mood to do work.
Think I was busy playing Cytus too lol! Shall take this opportunity to post my new Cytus scores.
That was my first million master. That moment where I discovered that it was not impossible for me to gain million master anymore.
Slowly, I got more ambitious.
These two songs, Precipitation and hidden precipitation. You're next >:O
Btw I played those songs many times already because I like their songs and their charts, so it's with experience and practice I managed to get million master, because you know where the notes are going to show up and you know the timing XD It's all about practice.
At night, Shu Ying asked how I'm going to submit our ITFD project docs tomorrow morning, as we have to submit it by 11am at SB511, where our lecturer David Tan is having tutorial class from 10 to 12pm. I then asked my group in the whstsapp chat, but nobody reply. Shu Ying then said I should email him and ask? So I did.
Once during lecture, David Tan said that when someone emails him, he replies fast.
David Tan meant what he said.
Soon after I emailed him, he replied back:
Today is Monday so there's school, so slightly more eventful. So I shall post with the little time I have left now.
In the morning, Shu Ying asked if I could withdraw money to pass to Yi Ning since she remembered she had to print her ITFD project and submit to David Tan, and was afraid she won't have time to pass the money. I then suggested in that case, I will just bank transfer Yi Ning the money, since apparently she's that poor and was afraid she didn't have enough money in her bank to buy Bei Er's converse shoes.
I recently bank transferred Yi Ning another $25 for Fathima's birthday present. Why am I topping up her bank now >:o Making her like $100 richer.
I'm getting poorer and poorer every month. Because I bought NTUC Income savings plan in like Feb 2014 (whoa almost 2 years ago already) (dream...savers? LOL I forgot the name), each month they'll debit my account $200. It seems like a small amount. But to me it's a lot :'c My $200!!!
Won't be getting all my $200s back (XD) until I turn 22, which is the end of my 5th year in this policy. After that, they'll start returning me my $200 each month >:D And at the end, they'll return all my $200s with accumulated interest! *w* (money >:D)
But thanks to that my savings is decreasing. Oh my god I feel poorer each month. So depressing. Even though technically my money is just somewhere else for safe keeping.
Went to school as usual this morning for ITFD lesson. Submitted our project to our tutor (YAY!). Originally we were supposed to submit to our lecturer by 11am at a different classroom which is far away from our classroom, but I emailed him last night enquiring about this and he said that he didn't know we had class this morning which clashes with the submission time. He told me our class can hand in directly to our tutor herself.
Lesson ended quite early at 11.15am (supposed to end at 12). Went home first as my CPE roleplay is scheduled at 4pm (reporting time 3.50pm) @_@ think I'm the only one going home first LOL
Bought Subway for lunch (as usual), and went back and stoned at home. Totally didn't know how to prepare for roleplay. Chewed on my bread, while thinking what to say, and thinking what to wear.
After spending a couple hours at home, my partner Verlon whatsapped me asking me to come to school earlier as the rest of the pairs before us (we're the last pair) are doing their networking much faster than usual. The average time was about 6-7 minutes. He asked me to come at 3.15pm instead of 3.50pm @_@ Quickly, I changed into formal wear, tied my hair, changed bags (have to transfer my stuff ahh), and left the house at 2pm cccccc:
And arrived at school at...2.45pm cccccccccccccc: I think. Like one hour before our scheduled roleplay time.
Basically in our roleplay, we have to act as new colleagues who just entered the company recently, and our teacher will roleplay as our boss. We were tested on giving an elevator pitch (introduce ourselves), knowing how to respond to colleagues' talk, and showing tact and empathy. We also have to remember that this is a roleplay concerning networking, thus we should try to include both our partner and teacher into the conversation.
When I reached the venue, I found two of my classmates Nabilah and Yanti sitting on the staircase beside the classroom, waiting for their turn. (theirs is scheduled at 3pm) Not knowing where Verlon is, I just sat with them and chatted with them, while looking at the notes Nabilah have (omg she's so prepared @_@)
Also asked them for a plaster to wrap my left finger nail.
Verlon came shortly after and joined us in conversation.
Ahh, even though Verlon and I arrived like one hour before, we were still the last to go in, because the other pairs were punctual =3= Though Verlon said that in a way, this was good so that nobody will hear us when we converse and we'll be less nervous XDD While we're waiting, we both tried to sneak in peaks into the classroom from the windows above to see what's going on (he just have to look up while I have to climb a chair because of my short legs >:C) Kay-poh XDDD
All because Verlon kept pacing around and reciting his elevator pitch >:C Like at first, we brought out two chairs for ourselves to sit. But soon after, he couldn't keep still and started pacing around and looking into the classroom. So I joined him, took his abandoned chair and used it to peek inside too. At one point, the teacher caught him staring inside XDDD But she didn't catch me because I made sure I looked at an angle which blocked me from her view >:D
Finally our turn came. Before the roleplay, we have 10 minutes to prepare individually (teacher made sure to separate our tables so we can't discuss), while the pair before us do their roleplay. That time, I finally started feeling nervous, but I took deep breaths to calm my nerves. And honestly deep breathing always works.
Started off with our elevator pitch. Verlon always lead the two of us, so I mostly waited for him to start and finish each time, and direct the conversation to me. We introduced our names, and which department we're from and our position, where we came from and our jobscope. I then asked our teacher back her jobscope XD Since we need to ask her questions. Then she asked what we like to do in our free time. Verlon mentioned watching anime, and I mentioned playing and recording piano, and uploading on my youtube channel. Verlon took the chance to comment on that and said he watched my videos before! And I felt that it was a genuine comment, as he noted that I only show my hands and not my face, which is true.
We then moved on to what she wants to test us on. She asked if we think the colleague John deserves his promotion (we were at a promotion lunch). I said that although I just came into the company a couple months ago so truthfully I don't really know much about that guy, however I agree with Verlon that he most likely got the promotion due to him being hardworking, and besides his diligence, he may have also produced many results which the top management wants. Thus the management likes him and thinks he deserves the promotion, so that's why he got promoted.
Then we moved on to the tact and empathy part (she's really fast). She said that recently she got a pay cut because she have to take care of her sick child (suffering from HFM disease), and have to take off from work. Both of us tried asking about her child's well being to keep on the conversation, and after that, I asked if she had tried explaining her situation to top management, and told her that I believe her child will get well eventually and she'll get through this, so don't worry. Tried to give her the sincere look too XDDD
Then we ended in 6-7minutes too!! c: Teacher commented that both of us need to elaborate a bit more, and I forgot my eye contact again T_T but in terms of content, both of our responses were quite good, as well as our tact and empathy. So I guess both of us should be quite okay?
Okay then home.
Warmmmmmmmm the temperature hit 34 degrees today ahh
Keep listening to this song btw ;_; song of the week. Or month. Or for a long time now.
Made by Ota. The piano arrangement.
Is sooooooooooo beautiful ;_; I teared up once listening to it while doing my work.
It's soft. Gentle. Full of emotions.
Because this song is sad, and meant as Shintaro reminiscing of Ayano, his dear friend who suicided. Thus I prefer piano arrangements of this song which is more slow paced and have lots of emotions, compared to fast, upbeat ones. And this piano arrangement is too perfect. I tried doing my own, but mine has too many background noises.
Thank you to the person who made this so much.
Ending off with maid cat. Because maid cat is epic
Yes I finally got maid cat thank you.
And I have random stomach pain the whole time I'm typing this, as if there's wind trapped inside but I can't let it out. Whyyyyyyyy
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