Am back home, had lunch (instant noodles) and resting now.
Omg I'm currently surviving on only 5 hours of sleep. Went to sleep almost 2am yesterday, because I stayed up till midnight to wish my parents long life. Then, my family was gambling with cards and I was playing piano for them (they said they prefer me to play for them rather than have the TV on as background aww XD). They played until...12.40am? 1am? I don't know, but I remember very well I had a pounding headache, after I went to bed right after I ate dinner yesterday as I was too sleepy.
So I took panadol, and waited for my headache to recede while reading 07-ghost manga (missed 07 ghost ;-;) before finally going to bed at...2am...
And I woke up at 7.30am c: Was too sleepy so I stayed in bed for another half an hour. But didn't went back to deep sleep of course.
So yeah. Surviving on 5 hours sleep.
Got up sleepily, brush teeth and ate breakfast sleepily, then changed into my new year clothes.
拜年 to my parents first.
All those photos above was taken by me ccc: I'm always their camera woman
Tsk tsk my bro's thumb.
Then went to my grandaunt's house to 拜年. The plan is always like this.
Hahahaha I sit on her lap like a child XD
Omg omg she filled a jar full of pork floss! *A* My mom and I joke to her that if her guests never finish the jar, she can pass the whole jar to me and I can help her finish :DDD
Some OOTD shots.
Haha this year's CNY day 1 outfit: Pastel mint green floral spaghetti dress with top white outerwear. Seal ribbon orange side bag and C&K black sandals.
Seriously the only thing new on me is the dress which I bought from Bugis the other day XD the rest is all re-worn.
Kay then off to other relatives' houses. All scattered at the east @_@
I met this girl cousin (too long-distance to be close to oops), and she's sec 4 this year. She's like one head taller than me?! What?! I'm 20 this year and I wasn't blessed with height genes ;-;
We went to a total of three houses. Then we went home and rest, while waiting for those relatives to come visit us.
Random selfies in the car cuz I'm bored XD
Nothing to do now. Shall post what I did during the weekends.
What I did on Saturday:
...............NOTHING C:
Okay well, nothing SIGNIFICANT that is, for me to bother posting that day itself oops XD
Okay well...oh, my sis bought cake for both of us on Saturday c:
My red velvet cake:
Tastes not bad, but apparently my sis don't really like it XD she ordered caramel hazelnut cake, which I don't really like either. Oops. Different taste preferences.
My God...the Zika virus. The lab person was letting himself be the experiment to test if the virus can be transmitted through bodily fluids @_@
Basically Saturday I just studied for MACC test on Thursday.
CNY eve!! Main event is the reunion dinner.

Pen Cai, silver-gold pomfret fish, ngoh hiang, asparagus+long beans carrots with prawns, curry chicken and potato, and tofu with leek. 6 dishes, for a family of 6. (plus my grandaunt)
All cooked by the master chef, my mother. And by master chef I really meant master chef. When it comes to chinese food, her cooking really got standard.
My mother was like saying how my brother knows how to cook his own chicken so he knows how troublesome it is to prepare now. But she was like saying how he has not reached the ngoh hiang and pen cai level yet XDD Then my bro said that luckily he doesn't have to make it. But my sister shot back that he can make it with his girlfriend next time. And what if his girlfriend wants him to try it? Then my bro said like that then no choice XDD then my mom said that next time if he does eat it, he'll crave my mom's ngoh hiang instead hahaha
My mom's dishes are super healthy too.
There is no fat meat in her ngoh hiang, Only thin meat.
And in her pen cai's soup, there is completely no oil at all. Seriously not one drop of oil can be found floating in the soup.
That's how pro my mom is.
My dad is so lucky to find such a good housewife xD
After dinner, I went to sleep immediately for 1.5 hours. Yep, I'm that sleepy. Suffering from food coma.
After I woke up, I felt super drowsy. It was about 8.30pm+. The drowsy feeling never went away, and slowly, that mild pounding effect grew worse and turned into a headache -.-
My family was playing cards outside. Gambling c:
The TV was on as background CNY noise in the background. I turned down the volume as I wanted to play the piano a bit.But after that, my siblings said they rather I play the piano in the background than listening to the TV noise, as my piano playing is decent enough XD
So in the end, "a bit" turned to 2.5 hours, all the way until 12.30am+
I'm always weak to people enjoying my piano playing, so I didn't mind playing for them for so long XD I just worry that our neighbours can't sleep, but it's CNY eve. Confirm many people will stay up late to wish their parents long life c:
After that, I went back to my room and took panadol, and slept at 2am. Ahhhh
Kay that's all. Now it's 4.55pm. Later at 5pm+, we'll leave for our third aunt's house where our grandmother stays with, for big reunion dinner.
Songs I'm addicted to now:
Koshitantan (waiting for a chance to pounce)
Ifuudoudou (majestic)
Yes you can already judge that these songs are erotic from the illustrations.
But go beyond the meaning of these sexual songs.
And just enjoy the beat and tune of the songs cccccc: They're so addictive omg.
Both have the same author
Both are sung by Luz
Both have different arrangements from the original versions, which I love very much.
I already made a piano cover of Ifuudoudou (but haven't uploaded yet)
I wanna try making a cover of Koshitantan and Masked Bitch too. Yes Masked Bitch is also kinda sexual.
Masked Bitch:
Wanna make a piano cover of that remix version.
And I also want to make a piano cover of resonate:
All the songs I've listed are very..electronic music? Which may seem a little difficult to play on the piano.
But because I love these songs so much, I'll do my best to make them playable on the piano! c: With my simple basic arrangement skills XD
Gosh all these songs make me want to dance hahaha
Am back.
Gosh I feel richer each CNY XD Collected so many ang paos.
If only there's CNY every month XD HUAT AH EVERY MONTH HAHAHA
Went to grandma's house to eat dinner. I saw that Ler Chin dyed her hair! Am shock that Da Yi allow her to dye her hair O_O
My siblings were shocked too, and seeing her hair, my bro felt that if Da Yi let Ler Chin dye her hair, then maybe he has a chance that our mom will allow him to dye too XD He wants to highlight his hair with strips of blue, which will look cool I guess
But upon suggesting, my mom's eyes grow big and she shot him back a big fat "NO" immediately XDD damn funny
Then he tried persuading Da Yi to talk to our mom and let him dye his hair, but it was useless hahaha
Da Yi was like going around and telling my dad how his son wants to dye his hair too HAHAHA
But even Da Yi herself was kinda against it, cuz she believed that "studies are more important than dyeing hair" ...aiya that's the older generation for you. Nowadays it's so common for us youngsters to dye our hair. And it won't affect our grades at all. It's only colouring our hair o_o
Not that I want to dye my hair. I'm perfectly fine with my natural hair colour XD
Oh wells~
Went around bai nian-ing to all my aunts and grandmother. My only uncle couldn't come cuz he has to work taxi shifts though.
Grandmother cooked dinner. And I ate two plates of rice. Not because I like the food or am very hungry in particular.
Because the second plate is only rice and sauce
Because the rice and sauce are both so niceeeeeeeeee
After that I stoned and used my phone.
Then home.
Am tired.
Visiting is tiring.
But it's okay.
Moneyyyyyyyyyy c:
I'm sorry but. I'm not close with my relatives much.
I just see their faces once a year.
So yeah. Honestly the only think I look forward to is receiving ang pao money. There I said it /A \
Well this blog is meant for me to say my utmost honest feelings so :D
Tomorrow's plans will be, we leave house at 8am (SO EARLY) and reach our aunt's place at 8.30am. Go bai nian, then leave for another house and reach there 9am+. Then home
No opportunity to visit my late grandfather's niche this year :/ Damn, I'm so disappointed, because since he's closest to the heavens and skies, I wanted to ask him to help me ask the heavens to bless me with a successful graduation this year. XDD
Why do we usually visit our late grandfather each CNY?
Because he passed away during CNY in 2005. When I was only 9.
I still remember how it was told to me.
"妹,外公 died" (my bro was the one who broke the news to me)
Me: *sits in shock and silence, trying to process the words*
I first came to know death when I was only 9 years old. I saw a dead person's body and face at only 9. (because the coffin had a window showing his face)
I remembered crying my eyes out when I walked around my grandfather's coffin and saw him lying in there >.>
Anyways c:
Ever since then, I went back to his niche every year, without fail.
My siblings never joined. My cousins, only a couple of times.
But I will follow my parents and aunts every year, because since I can only see him once a year, why not?
Plus he's my grandfather, and he helped take care of me when I was young, I still remember following him with his big bicycle as he fetched me to and fro kindergarten, and save potato chips for me and my bro. Many times when I crossed the traffic junction from the MRT station, I will think of him, because it was at that exact traffic crossing where he told me "not to walk beyond the white lines". I also still keep his toy lizard as a memento of him, which I used to "scare" -play with my dad when I was young.
One more thing was that he was my only grandfather I still had remembrance of. My paternal grandfather was dead before I even knew him. I only had my maternal grandfather as a grandfather for 9 years before he passed away too.
So now I don't have any grandfather any more :x Oops.
Oh well. I'll make sure to keep those few years I remember of my maternal grandfather well.
See that's why I always go to his niche each year c: I'm such a filial granddaughter ccccc:
...I'm just kidding.
The truth is, I still want him alive. (like duh, who doesn't)
9 years is too short, 外公. I haven't even grown up. My memories with you is way, way too little.
But life never waits for anyone. Life always never cares what you want.
If life decides that it's time, then it's time.
Meh anyway, I need to sleep soon.
Got to wake up early tomorrowwwwwwwwwwwww
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