The moment my maternal relatives left, it's THE END!
God I'm so so so sleepy. I could barely stay awake as I sat there and listened to all my aunties talk with my mother. Always huddle together in their “三姐妹” group and discuss about plans, children, food etc etc >o>
Alarm rang at 7am this morning. But I could barely get up, and I stayed in bed until 7.20am...sooooo sleepyyyyyyy! I even slept before 11pm last night when my hair hasn't even fully dried yet. But I'm still sleepy!!!!
As I was still eating breakfast, I told my mom I calculated how much ang pao money I received already cc: *eyes: KACHING $w$* and asked her to guess. She guessed $*. I told her nope, it's $* and she was "WHOAAAA" :D
This is what happens when you have lots of relatives to visit c:
Okay la, to be honest it's not the relatives. They make up only like one quarter at most? It's my dad and mom that made up the bulk of it :x I don't know but somehow my paternal relatives gives lesser? Or no I think it's just slightly lesser than my maternal relatives. Probably due to how close we are?
Well I'm definitely not close to my paternal relatives at all, compared to my maternal relatives.
Anyway my mom kinda knows that as well, so she asked how much my dad gives me. And she guessed correct XDD Then my dad joined us and I joked that actually I know he wants to give us more (like maybe the equivalent of my monthly allowance cc:) but he thought of my mom and that's why he only gave us this much cc: but since it's my 21st next year he can upgrade a bit ahh c: like $50 or $100 more cccc: then my mom was like "your 21st next year ah? Okay lao pa. Just throw in another $10" >:OOOO
She also told me how much she gives to her mother for 送年 and 拜年. Both are equal amounts. And both are much much more than what she gives us. That's because our grandmother isn't working, and still gives money (a lot) to us every CNY and our birthdays.
Later on my dad also told me how much he gives to my mom. And it's a lot c:
The truth is, I googled search how much people normally give in ang paos, and found this:
This is an ang pao money guide for 2016. From here.
Obviously my parents aren't as lame as me (yes I know thanks) and go search these kind of things (plus they've been doing it for many years already), but judging from the amounts they give to us and their parents and in-laws, they sorta and don't sorta follow the guide.
Conclusion: In the end it really depends on yourself, how close you are with your in-laws, how much you love your wife/husband and your children, and how close you are with the rest of the big family (nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles).
And yes. I opened my ang paos right on the first day, because I'm weak for fresh new money ccc: By right you're not supposed to open the ang paos until after everything's over, on the 15th day, or at least when the rest of your family opens theirs I think.
But haha erm. I broke the rules long long ago ccccccccccccc:

The 4 best looking ang pao I received in my personal opinion this year.
The one below the monkey ang pao is given by my mom. By Maybank. I always feel that my mom has great taste and style when it comes to selecting ang paos to give to her children. Hers will never have cartoon characters, but instead, gives off a more traditional style with flowers and words which symbolises meaning.
Those are the words on the ang pao. The first phrase in front probably beans to wish the whole family security, wealth and fortune, but the second phrase I can't decipher what it means omg. Need to ask my mom.
Standard chartered ang paos very popular ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) got 3 same red packets
The red packet on the left is the biggest sized red packet I got, compared to the normal sized red packet in the middle. Lol my friend got an ang pao the size of an envelope. Very big XDD *envies* she also got a very cute tiny packet with a cat character! Why didn't I get any unique red packets this year!! :c
Oh but that was nothing compared to an ang pao I got when I was 8 years old. It came with the newspaper, and it's the same size as the newspapers HAHAHAHA. IT'S FREAKING HUGE.
Like obviously I was very excited, and so was my dad, and he took a picture of me holding the ang pao, and guess what, The ang pao nearly covered my entire 8-year old frame XDDD
The red packet on the right is the second biggest, and was given by my dad.
Well, it may not be the largest in size but it's the wealthiest red packet I've received (ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง
They're all safely under lock and key in my drawer now. Together with my sister's (put seperately in different corners of the drawer). The reason why I'm holding my sister's ones too is because she couldn't go visiting with us this CNY. She has to work night shift both days, and so needed to sleep. So I've been collecting ang paos in her place and keeping for her. Though of course I have more than her because some relatives only give you when you're there. If you're not there then too bad, they missed you out because there's too many families to remember :x
Okay end of the ang pao money talk c:
Got dressed and left the house at 8.15am. Didn't even have time to switch bags or put new songs into my phone.
Showcasing my mother's flower arrangement, and the biggest (fake) sunflower I've seen XD
Left the house at 8am and headed to my dad's 2nd sister's house to 拜年, and I saw my paternal grandmother which I only see once a year.
She's 80, but still standing strong. However she's suffering from dementia, and there's times where she displays aggressiveness (shouting, sometimes hitting) towards my aunt's husband and the maid :| She's currently under medication to control her mood swings.
But towards her child and grandchildren, she's quite okay. That's why she was nice when we went to 拜年 to her.
Her ang pao upgraded :D Both the red packet and the money inside XDDD
Anyways, look at their dog!~
So cute! Like a tiny fox XD
Haha at first when she say my phone camera facing her, she turned her head away, so that's the first shot. Then I moved my phone a bit to trick her that I'm not taking picture of her, then she turned her head to face me. Then I quickly snapped another pic!! c:
Moved on to da yi's house to 拜年.
My bro and I just snacked on Lay's sour cream and onion flavoured potato ships :| This CNY I barely touched any CNY goodies lol. In fact I never do for any CNY visitation. The only goodies I eat is bak kwa...kueh bahlu...ngoh hiang...that's all really. Oh and one random cookie and love letter roll. And the seaweed my grandaunt always saves for me in her house cuz she remembers I like seaweed XD
In fact the only main thing I eat is bak kwa. Can't resist. 3-4 slices each house cc: Must try all their bak kwa HAHAHAH XDD
I don't know, I don't find the CNY goodies appealing? Other than the ones I eat :/
Plus they're very unhealthy, heaty and fattening. A big no no to me.
The packet drinks too. All contain sugar. Although I easily get dehydrated and need to drink, but I always never finish (oops). Shouldn't consume too much. Although we're still young now so it's okay, but you never know these may accumulate over time and cause long term health effects...
We left the house at 10am and came home shortly after. The end of visitation CNY 2016 for us! c:
Maternal relatives came soon after and sat until 11.20am.
We were watching a Korean TV award show, equivalent to our 红星大奖, and I find the hosts really funny XD so epicly weird at the same time.
After they left, we have come to the official end of our CNY 2016! It's so fast.
And now it's almost 1.30pm, and I'm really really really sleepy. Shall go nap I guess.
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