Can solve?
The answer is...

LOL ignore the 18, it's supposed to be 15 HAHAHA *oops*
This was asked in my friend's SIT interview today omg @_@ I'm shocked.
Anyway, another day spent studying for investment paper tomorrow.
Actually all I did was the 2013/14 paper. That's all.
The rest of the time was spent trying to find suitable jobs that I can like squeeze in between March and April?
My Japan trip in April is starting to become a burden to me because now I have no idea how to find jobs, because I don't even know when my sister can take leave in April and we can go. Shit, and if we book tickets this late, it'll be more expensive right.
Starting to regret agreeing to travel with my sister. I should have known that she'll always be last minute. But tbh it's not her fault. Her schedule doesn't come out this early and she also can't go and ask the sister in the ward about her breaks next month.
Actually to be honest this isn't a big problem. I won't die even if I can't find jobs. It's not like I'm in need of money, and I have money saved in my bank.
It's just that (1) my mom is pressuring me to find a job (she claims she isn't but you know it's real when you feel the pressure), just because she doesn't want to see me sitting at home all day.
(2) Actually I do need to work and earn the money back because this Japan trip is going to literally cost me a bomb. (~$3k. All expenses paid by me) But I can always find a job after coming back from Japan. Which I guess, the safest time to start work is already May, and work all the way until my uni starts, probably in July-Aug. That is if I managed to get in successfully.
Yes, I realize it's an awkward timing. My friend told me that most ppl usually work first, and then go for holiday before their uni starts. Sighsssss
Can't do anything about it. I already agreed to go with her long ago.
The only thing to do is just to look at the positive side, and look forward to seeing those sakura trees bloom in full beauty in April, when spring begins there.
So I have to try to find jobs in March (guess event jobs are most suitable at this rate?). Shit not even 1 month jobs are suitable to me now because I have no idea when my sister is able to take leave. What if she's able to only take leave in a particular week in April, but I've already agreed on a job and am working during that week?
See that's the problem =.=
The problem now:
First week of March: Rest. Have last paper, go collect testimonial letter, go cat cafe.
Second week of March: Going to SIM open house with friends on Friday. Can probably work Mon to Thurs? Weekends will be reserved to think about and apply for uni already.
Third week of March: All the way till 16 March Wednesday, that is the SIM application deadline. Need to make sure I settle uni stuff too.
Fourth week of March: No plans. Can work. But can't find job now cuz I have so little time left.
Gahhhhh life is tough, life is tough.
Anyway move on c:
I was bored and tried to create a music sheet, because so many people have been asking me music sheets for my piano arrangements, I finally gave in and tried creating one as I'm bored from studying investment
And the result is...
Yup, that's my music sheet.
It may not seem a lot, but do you know how long that took me?
Freaking 2-3 hours man.
Because I was doing it from scratch. I was learning everything from start.
How to create that double staves. How to add key signatures, flats, sharps, notes, how you do that wave thing, there's actually a lot of stuff input just to create those two bars of right hand. I'm not even started with the left hand.
I didn't know creating music sheets online could be so complicated.
Either that or I'm just really slow and noob in this XD
Also tried many attempts at some of Ice's songs from Cytus but fail...
Just one of my many practices ;-;
Practising is tough.I love Ice's music but his songs kills my fingers as much as he kills me in the game itself. (these songs are all boss songs in the game *slams head on table*)Game: CytusSong: Precipitation II ( song: L2B (
Posted by Rui ruii on Monday, February 29, 2016
But today, an anon gathered enough courage and sent this to me on my tumblr blog ;w;
Which makes me really really really happy (heart fluttering)
I replied to the anon and it can be found here.
Shinobu came to my house just now ;w; about a couple of hours ago.
Omg before I came down to find him, he called my phone and this was what happened XD
Call 1: (the phone really couldn't connect)
*silence* (I usually do not talk first when the number is unknown.)
Him: Hello?
Me: *suspicious voice* ...hello? >:o
Him: ?? Hello? Can you hear me? (something like this)
Me: ...?? huh? Hello? *a little louder* >:O
Him: (seems like really cannot hear me) Hellooooooooooooooo?? (okay he didn't say this HAHA)
Me: ... (realized he cannot hear me and cuts the call)
Me: >:O That voice somehow sounds familiar but it's probably some wrong call.
Me: *goes back to editing video*
Call 2: Phone: *rings again* (the call is normal now)
Me: O_O *stunned*
Me: (answers) >:O??
Him: Hello????
Me: ...Hello?
Him: Hello??
Me: Hello? Who you? >:O *suspicious tone*
Him: It's me Shinobu!!!
Me: EH?!
Me: OMG XDDDD *starts laughing*
Me: HAHAHAHA omg sorry, um this phone doesn't have your contact saved now and-- *starts explaining*
Him: It's okay, could you come down for 5 minutes?
Me: --huh? *thoughts processing*
Me: HUH YOU'RE AT MY PLACE NOW?! *dashed to window and looks out trying to look for him*
Him: Yeah
ME: O-O-OKAY I'M COMING *cuts call*
Not 100% accurate but roughly it's like that ^^^^
I flew down to the side gate thinking he's at the bus stop opposite yew tee mrt, but when I saw his msg that he's at the bus stop right at my condo, I spun a 180 degrees and ran the whole perimeter around the condo to the bus stop he's at XDD
And found him standing there (Shinobu why aren't you even sitting on the seats when they're empty XD)
I was like out of breath by the time I met him, but nevertheless we see each other again c:
The first thought that came to my mind when I saw him was "Ah, looks like his hair grew a little longer"
He was holding the mos burger soup bag out (which totally surprised me), and in his bag he retrieved another bag containing some sweets and green tea drink which he bought back from Malaysia for me ;w;
It was so sweet of him ;w; he stopped by Lot 1 Mos Burger to get the corn soup for me (he even remembered I like corn soup) first as supper before coming to my place. To surprise me.
How did I react at the phone?
Me: *suspicious tone* Who you >:OO (*LAUGHING*)
God I feel so bad.
My voice recognition ability sucks *facepalm*
When I saw all that he brought for me, I was so happy, I actually wanted to hug him.
But I decided not to because I just can't suddenly hug him out of nowhere right XD
So I just walked him off to the pedestrian crossing, and I guess he didn't notice but I continued standing there seeing him off after he crossed the road until he's out of sight, before I walked back to the gate.
Lol the lorry driver was like looking at me and looking at the green man like "why isn't this girl crossing the road" XDD
Was surprised to find this note as well ;w;
Pinned it on the wooden board XD
Okay that's all. I need to sleep.
Last paper tomorrow.